
Friday, June 28, 2024

Bio of General der Artillerie Otto Hartmann

Otto Richard Hartmann

Date of Birth: 11.09.1884 - Münich, Bayern (German Empire)
Date of Death: 10.07.1952 - Miesbach, Bayern (West Germany)
Buried: Waldfriedhof Miesbach, Bayern (Germany)

Spouse: Franziska Steger
Children: Franziska Hartmann and Lotte Hartmann

06.07.1903 Fähnrich
08.03.1905 Leutnant
28.10.1912 Oberleutnant
14.01.1916 Hauptmann
01.02.1926 Major (16)
01.11.1930 Oberstleutnant (9)
01.04.1933 Oberst (9)
01.04.1936 Generalmajor (3)
01.03.1938 Generalleutnant
01.04.1940 General der Artillerie

06.07.1903 Entered Army Service
06.07.1903 - 01.10.1910 Fähnrich in the 10th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment
01.03.1904 - 26.01.1905 Detached to the Bavarian War School Munich
01.10.1907 - 06.07.1908 Detached to the Artillery & Engineer School
01.10.1910 - 08.08.1914 Regiments-Adjutant of the 10th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment
01.10.1913 - 31.07.1914 Detached to the Bavarian War Academy
08.08.1914 - 24.08.1914 In the Field with the 10th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment
24.08.1914 - 16.09.1914 Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 5th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Brigade
16.09.1914 - 19.06.1916 2nd Adjutant of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Division
19.06.1916 - 11.09.1917 2nd General-Staff-Officer of the 1st Bavarian Landwehr-Division
11.09.1917 - 25.11.1917 Assigned Imperial Ottoman Major i.G. with Army-Group-Command F
25.11.1917 - 21.01.1918 Special-Purpose-General-Staff-Officer with the Turkish Army High Command 6
21.01.1918 - 04.06.1918 Special-Purpose-General-Staff-Officer with the General-Command of XVIII. Army-Corps
04.06.1918 - 25.10.1918 General-Staff-Officer with the Turkish Army-Command Ost
25.10.1918 - 01.11.1918 Placed on Disposal for Use at the German Front
01.11.1918 - 01.12.1918 3rd General-Staff-Officer with the General-Command of XV. Reserve-Corps
01.12.1918 - 12.05.1919 General-Staff-Officer with the Replacement-General-Command of III. Bavarian Army-Corps
12.05.1919 - 01.06.1919 General-Staff-Officer in the Intelligence Department of the Replacement-General-Command of I. Bavarian Army-Corps
01.06.1919 - 29.09.1919 3rd General-Staff-Officer with the Staff of High Command Möhl
29.09.1919 - 16.05.1920 General-Staff-Officer with Reichswehr-Brigade 4
16.05.1920 - 01.10.1921 General-Staff-Officer with Military-District-Command VII
01.10.1921 - 01.04.1922 With the Staff of Command-Office Munich
01.04.1922 - 01.10.1922 With the Staff of the 7th Division
01.10.1922 - 16.10.1924 Battery-Chief in the 7th Artillery-Regiment
16.10.1924 - 01.04.1925 Detached to the Staff of 7th Division, Director of Abwehr-Office
01.04.1925 - 01.10.1926 Transferred into Group-Command 2 with previous service use
01.10.1926 - 01.10.1931 Advisor in the Abwehr-Department, RWM
01.10.1931 - 01.07.1932 With the Staff of the 7th Artillery-Regiment
01.07.1932 - 01.04.1933 Detached to 'Foreign Armies' ('Fremde Heere') Department, RWM
01.04.1933 - 01.10.1935 Military-Attaché in Moscow and Kaunas, Seat in Moscow
01.10.1935 - 15.10.1935 Officer with Special Duties of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army
15.10.1935 - 12.11.1936 Artillery-Commander 1
12.11.1936 - 31.07.1939 Kommandeur 7. Infanterie-Division
26.08.1939 - 00.03.1941 Kommandierender General XXX. Armeekorps
00.03.1941 - 09.05.1941 Taken ill
09.05.1941 - 01.01.1943 To Disposal of OKH - Führerreserve OKH
01.01.1943 - 17.09.1943 Commanding General of Security-Troops and Commander in Army-Area A
17.09.1943 - 10.02.1944 Führerreserve OKH
10.02.1944 - 02.05.1945 Commander of Special-Staff Hartmann with High Command South-West & Army-Group C
02.05.1945 - 04.01.1947 In Captivity
04.01.1947 Released

Awards and Decorations:
17.10.1905 Königlich Bayerische Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee 1905
15.01.1915 Königlich Bayerische Militär-Verdienstorden IV.Klasse mit Schwertern
00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.191_ Liyakat Madalyası (Turkish Silver Liakat Medal)
00.00.191_ Harp Madalyası (Turkish Gallipoli Star)
24.06.1918 Königlich Bayerische Militärverdienstorden IV.Klasse mit Schwertern und mit der Krone
18.12.1934 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914-1918
00.00.193_ DRL-Sportabzeichen
02.10.1936 Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht IV. bis I. Klasse (25 jahre)
21.11.1938 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
15.08.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
00.00.1939 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
23.12.1939 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
05.08.1940 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as General der Artillerie and Kommandierender General XXX. Armeekorps. The following wartime excerpt (dated 30.08.1940) describes why Hartmann received the Ritterkreuz: “General der Artillerie Hartmann’s excellent, flexible leadership as well as his personal intervention in the hotspots of combat enabled him to have a massive share in the great successes of his Armeekorps. General Hartmann’s personal devotion to duty and his influence on the course of the fighting were major factors that contributed to his Korps capturing over 50,000 men as well as vast quantities of weapons and equipment.”
15.07.1941 Orden za Voenna Zasluga (Bulgarian Order of Military Merit), 1st Class and Grand Cross
30.06.1943 Vojenske vyznamenanie Za hrdinstvo (Slovakian Military Award for Heroism), 2nd Class
14.08.1943 Ordinul Coroana României (Romanian Order of the Star with Swords), Grand Cross


Otto Hartmann joined the 10th Royal Bavarian Field Artillery Regiment as an ensign on July 6, 1903. In this regiment he was promoted to lieutenant on March 8, 1905. On October 28, 1912 he was promoted to first lieutenant as regimental adjutant. He initially took part in World War I with this regiment. He was later assigned to several staff positions. On January 14, 1916 he was promoted to captain. In World War I he was awarded both Iron Crosses. After World War I he was taken into the Reichswehr and served on the staff of the 7th Division of the Reichswehr and the 7th (Bavarian) Artillery Regiment. From 1922 to October 1924 he was battery commander of the 5th Battery in the 7th (Bavarian) Artillery Regiment. In 1925 he was transferred to Group Command 2. On February 1, 1926 he was made major there. From October 1926 he was then deployed to the Defense Department in the Reichswehr Ministry. On November 1, 1930 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel there. From October 1, 1931 he was then assigned to the staff of the 7th (Bavarian) Artillery Regiment. In the summer of 1932 he was transferred back to the Reichswehr Ministry. There he was promoted to colonel on April 1, 1933. As such he was deployed as military attaché in Russia from that day. On October 1, 1935 he returned to Germany. There he was appointed Artillery Commander 1 (Arko 1) on October 15, 1935. As such he was promoted to major general on April 1, 1936. On November 12, 1936, he was appointed commander of the 7th Infantry Division. On March 1, 1938, he was promoted to lieutenant general. On July 31, 1939, he relinquished his command. With mobilization, he was appointed commanding general of the XXX Army Corps. With this he took up positions in the west at the beginning of World War II. On April 1, 1940, he was promoted to general of artillery. He then led his corps in the western campaign. During this campaign he was awarded the clasps to both Iron Crosses. On August 5, 1940, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. In March 1941, he relinquished his command due to illness. He was transferred to the Führer Reserve until January 1, 1943. On January 1, 1943, he was appointed commanding general of the security troops and commander of Army Area A. On September 17, 1943, he gave up this command and was transferred back to the Führer Reserve. In mid-February 1944, he formed a Hartmann staff, which was then assigned to the Commander-in-Chief Southwest and Army Group C. On May 2, 1945, he was taken prisoner by the Allies. He was released on January 4, 1947.

Young Otto Hartmann as a Hauptmann (Captain) in 1916. The picture was taken at Friedrich Müller photo studio in München. Hartmann was promoted from Oberleutnant to Hauptmann on 14 January 1916. At that time he was served as the 2nd Adjutant of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Division, a position he held since 16 September 1914.

Otto Hartmann as an Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant-Colonel). He was promoted from Major to Oberstleutnant on 1 November 1930, and to Oberst on 1 April 1933. After served as an advisor in the Abwehr-Department followed by the position as a staff officer of the 7th Artillery-Regiment, in July 1932 Hartmann was detached to 'Foreign Armies' ('Fremde Heere') Department. In this picture, he is wearing "Offizier im Generalstab Kolbenstickerei" (collar tabs of general staff officer).

Generalmajor Otto Hartmann.

Otto Hartmann as the commander of 7. Infanterie-Division in Münich (12 November 1936 - 31 July 1939).

From left to right: Generalleutnant Otto Hartmann (Kommandeur 7. Infanterie-Division), General der Infanterie Eugen Ritter von Schobert (Kommandierender General VII. Armeekorps), and Generaloberst Fedor von Bock (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppenkommando 1). The picture was probably taken in Münich, summer of 1938.

Einmarsch in Sudetenland: German victory parade at Vimperk, Czechoslovakia, 8 October 1938. On the podium, from left to right: Char. General der Infanterie Franz Ritter von Epp (Reichsstatthalter in Bayern und Chef des Infanterie-Regiment 61), Oberst Rudolf Sintzenich (Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 61 / 7.Infanterie-Division), General der Infanterie Eugen Ritter von Schobert (Kommandierender General VII. Armeekorps), Generalleutnant Otto Hartmann (Kommandeur 7. Infanterie-Division), and Oberst Kurt Brennecke (Chef des Generalstabes VII. Armeekorps). Other pictures from this occasion can be seen HERE.

From left to right: Oberst Rudolf Sintzenich (Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 61 / 7.Infanterie-Division), Generalleutnant Otto Hartmann (Kommandeur 7. Infanterie-Division), and Generalmajor Kurt Brennecke (Chef des Generalstabes 4. Armee). The picture was possibly taken in October 1939 or March-April 1940, when 7. Infanterie-Division (led by Generalleutnant Hartmann) were under the command of 4. Armee (with Generalmajor Brennecke as its Chief of Staff).

Marshal Ion Antonescu (left, Prime Minister of Romania) welcomes Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Süd), who arrived in Bucharest for the awarding of the Crimea Shield (that he himself is wearing on his right sleeve). In the background is General der Artillerie Otto Hartmann (Kommandierender General Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet A). The picture was taken on 3 July 1943.

This picture originally published at the end of the war and it erronously identified as General der Artillerie Walter Hartmann, who had just recently awarded the Schwerter to his Ritterkreuz (18 March 1945), while in reality it is a different Hartmann but with the same rank: General der Artillerie Otto Hartmann. In this picture, you can see that the medal was inserted into the photo, a common practice at that time.

The drawing of General der Artillerie Otto Hartmann.

Auctioned by Andreas Thies with the price of Price: € 55,000 : The awards and documents from General der Artillerie Otto Hartmann's estate. Other items from this auction can be seen HERE.

Source :,_Otto

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