
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Paul-Friedel Weber Grouping

Auctioned by Andreas Thies: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Iron core with silver frame. Silver stamp on the back below the eyelet, so-called micro "800". Jump ring also with silver stamp "800". With snap fastener on the short, cut section of the band.
Very nice example of the Steinhauer & Lück production (A - type) in excellent condition.Comes with the provisional certificate of possession for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross awarded on 10 October 1942 to Oberleutnant Weber of 2.Batterie / Heeres-Flak-Artillerie-Abteilung 303. The certificate is dated 11 October 1942 with the original signature of Major General Schmundt and the official seal of the Army Personnel Office. Oberleutnant Weber received the Knight's Cross for shooting down 32 Soviet tanks.Includes two original photos of the Knight's Cross award ceremony and a portrait photo of the recipient with the Knight's Cross. Also a copy of a congratulatory telegram and several newspaper cuttings about the Knight's Cross award.Iron Cross 1st Class 1939, iron centre with silver-plated frame. On pin.Army flak insignia. Fine zinc finish on round pin. Manufacturer's mark on the reverse: "C.E. JUNCKER BERLIN S.W.68". Comes with the certificate of possession for the Heeres-Flak badge. Dated 25 February 1944, with service seal and original signature of the General of the Army Flak Troops, Lieutenant General Wilhelm Weidinger.Three-piece large medal clasp: Iron Cross 2nd Class. Army service award for 4 years. Schutzwall - Badge of Honour. Back with green cloth cover. On cross pin. Comes with 6-piece field buckle. Comes with the corresponding certificate for the Schutzwall Decoration of Honour as well as the certificate for the EK 2nd Class with the original signature of Lieutenant General Mattenklott, commander of the 72nd Infantry Division.Black wounded service badge. Black lacquered iron version, on pin. Manufacturer's mark 11 (Grossmann & Co., Vienna) on the reverse.Certificate of ownership for the assault badge. Dated "Auf der Krim", 5 December 1941, with original signature of Lieutenant General Mattenklott, commander of the 72nd Infantry Division.Certificate for the East Medal. Dated 3.11.1942. With original signature of Dr Eichwald, Captain and Deputy Division Commander. Comes with a certificate of ownership dated 8 December 1942.Printed photo with dedication of thanks on the reverse for the battles in the Western Campaign, in the Balkans and in Russia by Lieutenant General Mattenklott, commander of the 72nd Infantry Division.Bulgaria: Order of Military Valour 4th Class 2nd Degree. Silver-plated and enamelled. On the original triangular ribbon.Romania: Medal for the crusade against communism. Non-ferrous metal, on the original ribbon.Achievement book for the award of the Reich Sports Badge for men dated 4 November 1937, with photo of Paulfriedel Weber in uniform and with original signature.Group photo in the circle of fellow officers, photo of a parade in the field, certificate of possession of the bronze badge of honour of the Kyffhäuserbund.Front newspaper of the Artillery Regiment 34.Official certificate of all honours awarded. Dated 30.6.1945. With denazified service seal.Very nice, extensive estate of this brave Knight's Cross recipient. Particularly rare for a member of the army anti-aircraft troops.

Medal grouping.

Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes.


Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes certificate.

Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse certificate.

Heeres-Flakabzeichen certificate.

Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz certificate.

Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen certificate.

Ostmedaille certificate.

Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen certificate.

DRL-Sportabzeichen certificate.

Kyffhäuser-Ehrenzeichen des Deutschen Reichskriegerbundes "Kyffhäuser" certificate.

List of medals and decorations.

Assignments and operations.

Newspaper clippings.

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