
Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hubert Lanz and Romanian Officers

Generalleutnant Hubert Lanz (Kommandeur 1. Gebirgs-Division) chats with Romanian officer, both the commander of a Mountain Division. The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Schelm on 26 December 1942. Hubert, a World War 1 veteran, earned the Ritterkreuz on the 1st of October 1940 for his participation in the invasion of France. He also earned the Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub on the 23rd of December 1942. Besides these 2 awards he earned a lot more amongst other the Heeresbergführerabzeichen which can be seen on his right breast pocket. An award that was only awarded 370 times during the Third Reich period, making it much more rarer to see on a photograph then any other medal/award.

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