
Sunday, February 4, 2024

Ferdinand Schörner wearing Generalmantel

Generaloberst Ferdinand Schörner (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Nord) in the autumn of 1944. He is wearing the Schwerter zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes which he received on 28 August 1944. The following press article (dated 1 September 1944) describes why Schörner would receive the Schwerter: “Generaloberst Ferdinand Schörner is the commander-in-chief of our troops fighting in the Courland region, against whom the surge of enemy forces from the east has failed to overcome for many weeks. Despite already having been cut off once completely, our troops in Courland have defied all the odds as the cornerstone of the Eastern front. They embodied the spirit of their commander-in-chief, and his skillful leadership has guided them to a victorious outcome over the course of incessant battle against the hordes of enemies.”

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