
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Adolf Peichl Grouping

This was auctioned by Andreas Thies :

Nachlaß des SS Hauptscharführers Adolf Peichl, Panzer - Grenadier Regiment 4 "Der Führer", Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisenen Kreuzes und der Goldenen Nahkampfspange sowie 11 Panzervernichtungsabzeichen.

 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross made by Klein & Quenzer (Idar - Oberstein). Iron core with silver frame. Silver stamp "800" on the reverse below the eyelet. The ring with maker's mark "65" (Klein & Quenzer) and silver stamp "800". On the original ribbon with sewn rubber clasp. Very nice, much worn original piece.

German cross in gold. Cupal / non-ferrous metal, the swastika enamelled in black. On pin with maker's mark "21" of Godet & Co, Berlin. Six round rivets on the back. Much worn original item with corresponding wear marks, but without enamel damage.

Golden close combat clasp. Fine zinc finish, gilt. On pin. Maker's mark "F & B L" (Funcke & Brüninghaus, Lüdenscheid) on the reverse. Magnetic plate. Very nice, much worn original piece. 50% of the gilding still present.

Since Adolf Peichl was awarded the Golden Close Combat Clasp before the introduction of the model in gilt tombac ( so-called Häkchenspange), he no longer received a Häkchenspange.

Silver Close Combat Clasp. Fine zinc finish, silver plated. On pin. With magnetic plate. Maker's mark on reverse: "AUSF. A.G.M.u.K. GABLONZ" and "FEC.W.E.PEEKHAUS BERLIN". Very nice original example. The silver plating almost completely intact.

Bronze close combat clasp. Fine zinc finish, bronzed. On pin. With magnetic plate. Maker's mark on reverse: "AUSF. A.G.M.u.K. GABLONZ" and "FEC.W.E.PEEKHAUS BERLIN".

Iron Cross 1st Class. Specimen with non-magnetic core. Silver-plated frame. On pin.

Iron Cross 2nd Class. Iron core magnetic. Silver-plated frame. On original ribbon.

Front production of the Knight's Cross in which a blackened piece of leather was fitted into the frame of an EK 2nd Class and provided with a collar eyelet. On short original Knight's Cross ribbon with sewn buttonholes.

Golden wound badge. Gilt tombac version, gold plated. On pin. Maker's mark "11" (Grossmann & Co., Vienna) below the pin hook.

Silver wound badge. Non-ferrous metal version, silver-plated. On pin. Maker's mark "13" (Gustav Brehmer, Marktneukirchen) below the pin hook.

Black wound badge. Hollow embossing of non-ferrous metal. On pin.

Infantry assault badge in bronze. Fine zinc finish on pin.

Silver Infantry Assault Badge. Fine zinc finish, on pin.

Eastern Medal. Fine zinc finish, on original ribbon.

Medal commemorating 1 October 1938 (Sudetenland) with clasp "Prague Castle". On the original ribbon with carrying pin on the back.

In addition to the medals, thegrouping includes over 300 original photos from Adolf Peichl's possession, among them many photos from the war period, most of them inscribed by Peichl himself on the reverse.

Portrait photos of Peichl and his comrades, battle scenes, everyday photos from the regiment "Der Führer". Original photo of the consecration of the standard "Der Führer" at the 1938 Reich Party Congress in Nuremberg, portraits of Adolf Peichl with the Knight's Cross but also at the beginning of his time in service, etc.

The photographic legacy is an important treasure trove on the history of the SS - Panzergrenadier - Regiment "Der Führer" and represents a unique and important historical primary source of great rarity.

 In addition, a large amount of documentary material (partly in photocopy), as well as original newspaper clippings and obituaries of Adolf Peichl. Including the original obituary; Kameraden - Zeitung der 12./ SS - "D.F." with article about Peichl "Der Panzerknacker"; applications for the award of the German Cross in Gold, the Knight's Cross, the III. grade of the Nahkampfspange (photocopies); short biography: "Der Wiener Panzerknacker Adolf Peichl"; Aufklärungs- und Verwaltungsblatt des 3. Zuges, 1940 (photocopy); magazine "Alte Kameraden", July/August 1969; various letters and condolences to Mrs. Martha Peichl; newspaper "Die Kameradschaft" with contribution to Adolf Peichl's funeral; various other magazines with obituaries and tributes; Münchner Zeitung of 18 August 1945; and much more.

Gift copy of the book published by Anton Haasbauer on behalf of the Cultural Office of the City of Vienna: Vienna - History, Art, Life. With dedication of the Mayor to Adolf Peichl:

"SS - Hauptscharführer Adolf Peichl in memory of his outstanding service in the fateful struggle of the German people on the occasion of the award of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross dedicated to his memory. Vienna, 9 February 1945".

With original signature of the Mayor of Vienna Hanns Blaschke.

Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. War edition presented "To the newly married couple Adolf and Martha Peichl ... presented by the municipality of Micheldorf on 26 April 1945."

With original signature of the mayor. The copy is in the slipcase and has severe moisture damage.

Ernst v. Salomon: Die Geächteten.Berlin, 8th edition o.J. With handwritten dedication to to Adolf Peichl:

"To my faithful comrade and comrade in arms, in memory of common work and battles, for his 27th birthday." Inscribed and dated: "III (gp.) SS - Pz.Gren. Rgt.4 "Der Führer" / In the field, 8.12.1944 / SS - Sturmbannführer und Bataillonskommandeur" . With original signature "Werner".

Commemorative plate of the Pz. Regiment "Der Führer", 12th Company, 15 May 1938 - 15 May 1988. Painted wooden plate with regimental coat of arms. Diameter 28 cm.

Four-part field ribbon bar, two small badges in fine zinc finish, commemorative pins, post-war medal of merit of the Vienna branch of the Austrian Comrades Association, NSKK side cap and various memorabilia in box.

The estate was acquired directly from the family of Adolf Peichl and there is a contract of sale dated 10 February 2022, which will be handed over to the buyer of this lot.

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