
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Ritterkreuz Award Ceremony for Rudolf von Ribbentrop

SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop (Führer 6.Kompanie / II.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 / SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler") at Prochorovka with his crew of Panzer IV "605" after his Ritterkreuz award ceremony during the Battle of Kursk, 15 July 1943. From left to right: Harry Bergner (radio operator), Walter Schüle (driver), von Ribbentrop (commander), Heinz Trautmann (loader), and Johannes Ober (gunner). SS-Unterscharführer Harry Walter Bergner would be killed in action on 19 December 1943 at Stermigorod. Walter Schüle was wounded in 1943 but stayed with the Leibstandarte. In 1945 he was a tank commander in 6.Kompanie / SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 LSSAH and, according to his own information, became Kompanie-Truppführer in the "new" 3.Kompanie / SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 LSSAH. Johann Ober later transferred to SS-Panzer-Regiment 3 "Totenkopf" and would be killed in action on 7 April 1945 in Vienna with the last rank as SS-Untersturmführer.

Rudolf von Ribbentrop (11 May 1921 - 20 May 2019) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 15 July 1943 as SS-Obersturmführer and Führer 6.Kompanie / II.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 / SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler". Here follows a recommendation for the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold for Rudolf von Ribbentrop, who would instead be awarded the Ritterkreuz:

"SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop was himself a Zugführer in the winter fighting this year and now serves as Führer of a Panzer Kompanie in the present break-in fighting. In both roles he has especially distinguished himself through outstanding courage, coldblooded bravery and circumspect leadership.

After successful close combat in the area Nowaja Wodolaga, he was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse on1 March 1943 for proven and outstanding courage.

In the hard fighting north of Kharkov, on 12 March 1943, he penetrated the enemy defenses in street fighting and made a connection with the other Grenadiers around Red Square, which provided further jump-off points for the advance into the city. After the occupation of the city of Kharkov, the resulting push on Belgorod placed him in the lead Kompanie. He penetrated into the city on 18 March 1943 at the head of his Kompanie in a personal, bold action. He thus holds an outstanding share of the success of the attack on Belgorod.

On 7 July 1943 the II./SS-Pz.Rgt. 1 LAH, following a successful attack on Teterewino, was attacked numerous times in the flanks by strong Russian tank forces. From a favourable attack position a Russian armoured group of 40 T-34s drove right in front of the Kompanie of SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop. He immediately took charge of the situation, attacked the enemy with his smaller force and with this shot up 6 enemy tanks without loss. This courage and boldness resulted in the failure of the enemy attack, also forcing them to retreat.

On the 8 July 1943 the Abteilung attacked Rylski. SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop once again took part in the deliberate attack, within the framework of the Abteilung. The village are was occupied by 80 enemy tanks. He himself shot up numerous tanks and forced the remainder to flee. A large amount of these remained stuck in the swamp. Of the 30 tanks destroyed by the Abteilung by far the largest share fell to the Kompanie of SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop.

On 12 July 1943, the Russians penetrated near Prochorowka with about 150 tanks of the type T-34 in the early morning, threatening the security of the positions of the Grenadiers. The combat-ready Kompanie of SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop threw itself toward this enemy and became engaged in battle with the much stronger foe. The whole Abteilung fought through a hard 3-hour tank battle and the most important share of the success was on account of the decisiveness and fearlessness of SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop. In this fight he destroyed 14 enemy tanks.

For repeated displays of bravery and outstanding courage by SS-Obersturmführer von Ribbentrop, I ask that he be given the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold as he is worthy of this high award."

Was recommended to receive the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold but was awarded the Ritterkreuz. The awarding date varies on different primary sources, the date of 15 July 1943 is reported on the Verleihungsvorschlag and on the Ritterkreuzträgerkarteikarte.

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop (Führer 6.Kompanie / II.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 / SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler") which were held at Prochorovka on 15 July 1943, during the Battle of Kursk. Awarded the medal is SS-Oberführer Theodor Wisch (Kommandeur SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler").

Source :
Sebastian Möller photo collection
"My Father Joachim von Ribbentrop: Hitler's Foreign Minister" by Rudolf von Ribbentrop

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