
Friday, December 1, 2023

Heinz Harmel Practices with MG 42

SS-Oberführer Heinz Harmel (Kommandeur 10. SS-Panzer-Division "Frundsberg") practices shooting with an MG 42 submachine gun. He has a Panzervernichtungsabzeichen (Tank Destruction Badge in close combat) sewn on the top of his right sleeve. His driver and bodyguard, SS-Unterscharführer Sepp Hinterhölzl (or hinterholze) is at his side wearing a full outfit of Erbsenmuster (Pea-Dot camo). The picture was probably taken during training season in 1944.

Source :
"Panzerdivision Frundsberg: Ukraine-Normandie 1944" by Stephan Cazenave

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