
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Friedrich Paulus in the Cover of 'Front Illustrierte'

Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus in the cover of "Front-Illustrierte" no. 13 (86), August 1944. This Soviet propaganda leaflet targeting German soldiers, written in German, was scattered by hand, airplane, and bombs. It included photomontages, illustrations, captions, and short texts. This issue consists of four pages printed on a single folded sheet, magazine format. It is titled "Generalfeldmarschall Paulus, der ehemalige Oberbefehlshaber der deutschen Truppen vor Stalingrad, klagt Hitler an!" (Field Marshal Paulus, former commander in chief of the German troops on the Stalingrad Front, accuses Hitler!)

Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus (Oberbefehlshaber 6. Armee) after captured.

Generalleutnant Dr.rer.pol. Friedrich Franek (Kommandeur 73. Infanterie-Division) after captured.

Generalleutnant Eberhard von Kurowski (Kommandeur 110. Infanterie-Division) after captured.

Generalmajor Gerhard Lindemann (Kommandeur 361. Infanterie-Division) after captured.

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