
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Wehrmacht War Manoeuvre in the Rhine

This photo was taken by Hugo Jaeger and it shows Wehrmacht war manoeuvre in the Rhine region, early May 1940. This training was held just a few days before the start of Germany's colossal invasion of the West (France and Benelux, Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg). From left to right: Generaloberst Georg von Küchler (Oberbefehlshaber 18. Armee), General der Artillerie Albert Wodrig (Kommandierender General XXVI. Armeekorps), Major im Generalstab Hanns-Horst von Necker (Ia Erster Generalstabsoffizier 9. Panzer-Division), Major im Generalstab Siegfried Westphal (Ia Erster Generalstabsoffizier XXVI. Armeekorps), unknown, and Generalleutnant Dr.jur. Alfred Ritter von Hubicki (Kommandeur 9. Panzer-Division).

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