
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Erwin Rommel Eating Snacks with His Staff and Italian Allies

General der Panzertruppe Erwin Rommel (Kommandierender General Panzergruppe "Afrika") eating some snacks accompanied by his trusted staff, Oberstleutnant im Generalstab Siegfried Westphal (Ia Erster Generalstabsoffizier Panzergruppe "Afrika"), and his Italian allies. Westphal later received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 29 November 1942 as Chef des Generalstabes of deutsch-italienische Panzer-Armee, and ended the war with the rank of General der Kavallerie. In the background we can see a AEC Dorchester 4x4 "Mammut", captured from the British. The vehicles were nicknamed “Mammut” (Mammoth) by the Germans because of their tall height. This photo was taken by Kriegsberichter Ernst Alexander Zwilling on 14 September 1941.

Source :
NARA photo archive (courtesy of Thomas E. Nutter)

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