Generalleutnant Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen (Kommandeur Division z.b.V. 172) and an American MP (Military Police) officer after captured. Boelsen was taken prisoner at Emsland, Niedersachsen, on 29 March 1945, from which he was released on 30 June 1947. Division z.b.V. 172 itself was established on 23 November 1944 by renaming Division Nr. 172 and relocated to the West Wall near Zweibrücken. Since the division had no combat value, it was ordered to retreat east before it came into contact with the enemy. The Bamberg-Bayreuth-Erlangen area was assigned as the new accommodation area with division headquarters in Waischenfeld. The division was moved to the new space at the end of March / beginning of April 1945. From here, as soon as training had begun, the division marched into the area north and west of Landshut. The division was disbanded there on 30 April 1945 after the capture of Divisionskommandeur Boelsen. The subordinate units were taken over by the 36. and 347. Infanterie-Divisions. The division staff was transferred to the field army and became the division staff z.b.V. 617 (Command Coastal Defense Section Friesland).
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