
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Ritterkreuz Award Ceremony for Horst Quednau

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for Oberleutnant Horst Quednau (Flugzeugführer in 8.Staffel / III.Gruppe / Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelcke"). Quednau received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 3 September 1942, after flying almost 300 missions as a bomber pilot. He flew a total of over 400 combat missions during World War II. After the war he became a Flugkapitän for Lufthansa. Exactly on his 52nd birthday, 6 March 1969, Horst Quednau died of a heart attack while piloting a plane about to land in Mexico City, Mexico. He completed the landing then died.

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