
Friday, September 8, 2023

Funeral of Johannes Kümmel

Leutnant Walter Friedl Spohn (Zugführer in 5.Kompanie / II.Abteilung / Panzer-Regiment 26 / 26.Panzer-Division) is holding the Ordenskissen (medal pillow) of Eichenlaubträger Johannes Kümmel, during the latter's funeral ceremony in Nettuno, Italian Front, March 1944. Oberstleutnant Kümmel was veteran of the campaigns in Africa who became the Commander of Panzer-Regiment 26 in September 1943. On 30 January 1944, Kümmel's regiment was part of the attacking force, which was to destroy the American landing at Anzio-Nettuno but failed. Second attack on the enemy forces was to take place on 27 February 1944, but Kümmel didn't take part in as the day earlier he was killed in a road accident near Cisterna. Leutnant Spohn himself is also Afrikakorps veteran who was born in the same year as his Regimentskommandeur (1909) and both served in Panzer-Regiment 8 during the war in Africa. Spohn received the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on 7 February 1943 (the medal which can be seen half-visible in his uniform). The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Eberhard Dohm of PK (Propaganda-Kompanie) 699.

Source :,_Italien,_bei_Nettuno.jpg

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