
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Erwin Meierdrees and Comrade during Convalescence

From left to right: SS-Obersturmführer Richard Pauly (Adjutant Divisionskommandeur SS-Division "Totenkopf") and SS-Hauptsturmführer Erwin Meierdrees (Führer Sturmgeschütz-Batterie / SS-Totenkopf-Artillerie-Regiment / SS-Division "Totenkopf"). The picture was possibly taken in the spring of 1942 when both men were wounded during the battles in Demyansk Pocket. After convalescence, Meierdrees was posted for a short time at SS-Artillerie-Ersatz-Regiment in München. The skull cuffband wore by Meierdrees represented the SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 1 "Oberbayern", not limited to the Concentration Camp guards. The SS-TS "Oberbayern" itself was stationed at the Dachau Complex, and the members of that Standarte was, before the war, regularly serving in the KZ as Guards. the other time of their time at SS-T.St. Oberbayern they had regular military training. The division name on the cuffband was introduced in 1942 and the band with skull was only for ex-members of TS-''Oberbayern''. They were entitled to wear it even after the unit ceased to exist. The men that formed the SS-Kavallerie-Division originated from the SS-Totenkopf-Kavallerie-Standarte 1 and 2. These men were cavalry and not KL guards. Although the skull collar tab changed (from facing left to facing down) for the division, officers and men continued to wear the double SS-TV collar tabs, some to include both collars, as well as the skull cuffband throughout the war, as clearly shown in this picture.

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