
Friday, September 15, 2023

Adolf Pittschellis Family

Photograph of the Pittschellis family in the 1930s, at which time son Ernst (right) and Adolf (the latter Ritterkreuzträger) was already joined the SS. Father Ernst Franz Pittschellis was born on 25 February 1886 in Groß Klingbeck, Heiligenbeil district, and married with Martha Elisabeth Schlott (born 12 December 1884 in Homberg) on 15 April 1911 in Homberg. Ernst Senior was most recently a member of the Volkssturm and fell in the final battle for Germany when he died of his war wounds on 10 April 1945 in the Nordschule reserve hospital in Hersfeld, southeast of Homberg.

Ernst Pittschellis, Adolf's brother who were also served in the SS. He was born in 13 May 1912. SS number 184 465. Ernst was with RSHA III in Berlin before he was posted as Leiter, SD-Aussenstelle St Avold (under BdS Lothringen-Saarpfalz, Metz) in 1941. He remained at St Avold until at least July 1944 (in 1944 he had a short period at nearby SD-Ast Diedenhofen before returning to St Avold). There is no information after July 1944. The picture was taken in 1942 when Ernst was SS-Obersturmführer.

SS-Hauptsturmführer Adolf Pittschellis with his wife and daughter.

Pittschellis family in the book by Thomas Schattner: "Die Familie Pittschellis: Geschichten aus Homberg/Efze zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus". From the author: The Pittschellis family members originally came from East Prussia. Ernst, Berta and Anna Auguste were born there at the end of the 19th century. Other family members remained in East Prussia. At the beginning of the 20th century, three family members gradually came to Homberg. Ernst was the first. He came to Homberg at the end of the first decade of the 20th century. The Pittschellis in turn founded families here and also had their children in northern Hesse. These were born between 1912 and 1920. The Pittschellis children experienced the National Socialist era as teenagers and young adults. Their biographies have had an impact up to the present day. On February 13, 2015, I received a letter from a lawyer for SOS Children's Villages in Munich with completely frightening news. Klaus and Charlotte Brinkmann from Bad Arolsen were no longer alive. They died on January 22, 2015, according to the contents of the letter. It also emerged from this that the two of them had left me a suitcase. A little later, contact was made with the couple's estate administrator. During conversations and phone calls, it quickly became clear that the two had left their lives voluntarily. Charlotte's family history probably played a major role in this suicide, because, firstly, none of Klaus and Charlotte's families wanted to attend her funeral. Only her executor and the author expressed interest in it. And when I was handed the suitcase in February and was able to open it, the contents spoke volumes. Secondly, this consisted of the two's Nazi library plus the family archive of Charlotte's ancestors including family books. I understood this legacy in such a way that I should publish about Charlotte's ancestors, from which the present book emerged. From the archive materials inherited from Klaus and Charlotte Brinkmann, who lived in Bad Arolsen until the beginning of the year (they had material from very different archives. Charlotte's ancestors were collected from the Federal Archives, the former Berlin Document Center, the Bad Arols City Archives, etc.) and three biographies could be developed in detail. These are the biographies of Ernst Senior (Charlotte's grandfather) and his sons Ernst Junior (Charlotte's father) and Adolf (Charlotte's uncle). These three not only came to terms with the National Socialists, but were deeply involved in them. Both sons had great careers in the SS. Ernst Senior and Adolf lost their lives at the end of the Second World War as convinced National Socialists. The biography of Ruth Pittschellis (Charlotte's aunt), a cousin of Ernst Junior and Adolf, was also added. This biography shows that members of the Pittschelli family, despite their sympathy for National Socialism, were always able to evade it to a certain extent. You can order the book HERE.

Source :
Thomas Schattner photo collection,_Adolf

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