
Monday, August 7, 2023

Erwin Rommel Inspecting Eisenbahn-Batterie 690 E at Bredenne

This picture was taken on 21 December 1943, and it shows Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B und Generalinspekteur der Küstenbefestigungen West) inspecting the Eisenbahn-Batterie 690 E at Bredenne, Belgium. The person on the far right (half face) is Generalleutnant Friedrich Fürst (Kommandeur 171. Reserve-Division). In the background we can see a 28 cm schwere Bruno Kanone (E - Eisenbahnlafette).

This picture was taken on 21 December 1943, and it shows Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B und Generalinspekteur der Küstenbefestigungen West) inspecting the Eisenbahn-Batterie 690 E at Bredenne, Belgium. Third from right is Generalleutnant Friedrich Fürst (Kommandeur 171. Reserve-Division), followed by Generalleutnant Ernst Gerke (second from right, Heeresgruppen-Nachrichtenführer Heeresgruppe B) and Generalleutnant Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Meise (right, General der Pioniere Heeresgruppe B). In the background we can see a 28 cm schwere Bruno Kanone (E - Eisenbahnlafette).

Source :
Jim Haley photo collection

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