
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Ritterkreuz Award ceremony for Fritz Vogt

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for SS-Obersturmführer Fritz Vogt (Stoßtruppführer in 2.Schwadron / SS-Aufklärungs-Abteilung / SS-Verfügungs-Division), which were held at Culemborg, Netherlands, on 4 September 1940. Awarding the medal is SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Paul "Papa" Hausser (Kommandeur SS-Verfügungs-Division).

Vogt's Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows:

“With this document the SS-Aufkl.Abt. is recommending SS-Obersturmführer Fritz Vogt (born in Munich on 17 March 1918) for the Ritterkreuz on account of the great successes he has achieved thanks to his extraordinary bravery.

Obersturmführer Vogt has already distinguished himself in the Polish campaign as a patrol leader and Zugführer. For his accomplishments in this time he was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse and recommended for the Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse.

On 10 May 1940 Obersturmführer Vogt was tasked with taking the Maas-Waal Canal bridge at Neerbosch with a small assault group. This assault group consisted of 2 armoured cars, 3 motorcycle squads and 1 Pak gun, with a Kompanie from M.G. Bataillon 15 following up close behind the assault group as support. However the Dutch were not caught off guard as had been hoped. During the night the bridges were blown, however at the Neerbosch bridge the demolitions only destroyed part of the structure (individual soldiers could still cross).

As the assault group approached the bridge it began taking heavy fire from the bunker line on the western bank (this consisted of concrete embrasures or armoured cupolas every 80-100 metres). Vogt stormed the bridge under covering fire from the Pak and a few MGs; 2 men fell in the process, and Vogt reached the opposite bank with just 4 men initially. Vogt himself was lightly wounded by a shot through the upper arm, yet he continued to fight. By immediately rolling up the bunker line Vogt enabled the remainder of his assault troop as well as the reinforcing M.G. Bataillon 15 to cross. In total over 200 prisoners were taken at this location, and many weapons were captured.

For this deed Vogt was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse.

On 23 May 1940 Vogt was conducting reconnaissance in the direction of Aire with a force consisting of 2 light armoured cars, 1 Pak, 1 radio vehicle and 2 motorcycle squads.

At Mazinhem he identified a French infantry battalion that was retreating towards Lys along a route perpendicular to his own march road. Vogt let his Pak open fire whilst he took his armoured cars and motorcyclists to get around the enemy. By utilizing a hill he was able to get within very close range of the enemy and pour MG fire into their ranks. A short battle ensued that saw the enemy suffer casualties, but eventually 650 men laid down their weapons.

Through this bold deed Vogt succeeded in eliminating the only still combat-capable French battalion in his Division’s sector before it reached the Lys. If this battalion had reached the Lys river it would have made it very difficult for the Division to continue advancing forwards. But, instead, the Division was able to swiftly get across the river and thereby secure a decisive success.

To this it must be added that Vogt only had a reconnaissance mission on this particular day, and he would have faced no consequences or blame if he had instead chosen to desist from attacking such a numerically superior foe.

Vogt subsequently distinguished himself in a commendable fashion once again. On 7 June 1940 he led a patrol (consisting of 2 armoured cars and 2 motorcycle squads) along the route Mahericourt—Caux—Harbonnières. He managed to intercept 2 enemy artillery pieces at Caux, and at Harbonnières he spotted 250 Frenchmen pulling back in a westerly direction. By ruthlessly striking against them he compelled this much larger enemy force to capitulate.”

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