
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Ritterkreuz Action of Josef Rohrbacher

Josef Rohrbacher (24 May 1920 - 25 February 1982) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 4 May 1944 as Oberwachtmeister and Zugführer in 3.Batterie / Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 245.

At the end of March 1944 the Soviets launched a major attack in the sector of the 299. Infanterie-Division, Southeast of Vitebsk. They achieved a break-in into the German lines and captured a commanding hilltop. Sturmgeschütze were dispatched to the area to assist with the counterattack, with Oberwachtmeister Rohrbacher receiving the mission of covering the attack with flanking fire from the northwest.

When the friendly German infantry failed to make any progress in recapturing the hill, Rohrbacher decided to take matters into his own hands. Navigating through the swampy terrain through the corridors of firm ground, and avoiding the mines that lay scattered about, he was able to approach the hill and attack it with his Sturmgeschütz. He then proceeded to launch a furious attack, destroying bunker after bunker and forcing the enemy into cover with submachine-gun fire and hand grenades. The German infantry were galvanized into attacking once more and were able to storm the hill, thereafter smashing all enemy attempts to recover it.

In the course of recapturing the hill the Germans captured 5 Pak, 20 heavy machine guns, 7 AT rifles, 50 submachine guns and numerous other weapons. For this act, as well as having brought his total of destroyed enemy tanks to 56 by this time, Rohrbacher would receive the Ritterkreuz.

Source :
Jim Haley photo collection

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