
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Bio of Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch (1885-1945)

Ernst Bernhard Wilhelm Busch

Date of Birth: 06.07.1885 - Essen-Steele, Nordrhein-Westfalen (German Empire)
Date of Death: 17.07.1945 - Aldershot, Hampshire (England)

10.03.1904 Leutnant
16.06.1913 Oberleutnant
27.01.1915 Hauptmann
01.04.1925 Major
01.02.1930 Oberstleutnant
01.12.1932 Oberst
01.09.1935 Generalmajor
01.10.1937 Generalleutnant
01.02.1938 General der Infanterie
19.07.1940 Generaloberst
01.02.1943 Generalfeldmarschall

00.00.190_ - 10.03.1904 Entered the Army, started the training at the Hauptkadettenanstalt Groß-Lichterfelde, and became Fähnrich in Infanterie-Regiment "Herwart von Bittenfeld" Nr.13 in Münster
10.03.1904 - 17.11.1906 Leutnant in Infanterie-Regiment "Herwart von Bittenfeld" Nr.13
17.11.1906 - 03.08.1914 Transferred to Infanterie-Regiment "Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig" (8. Westfälisches) Nr.57
01.10.1909 - 31.08.1910 Detached to the Militärgymnasium
01.10.1910 - 31.08.1911 Detached again to the Militärgymnasium
13.09.1912 - 03.08.1914 Inspektionsoffizier in Kriegsschule Kassel
03.08.1914 - 21.05.1915 Chef 11.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
19.11.1914 - 25.12.1914 At the same time,  delegated with the leadership of II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
21.05.1915 - 11.06.1915 Wounded in the knees by the artillery fire near La Bassée and Arras. Hospitalized in the Feldlazarett Pont-á-Marcq (France) for three weeks
11.06.1915 - 18.06.1916 Chef 11.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
18.05.1916 - 15.06.1916 Delegated with the leadership of II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
18.06.1916 - 10.03.1917 Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
10.03.1917 - 24.03.1917 Wounded in the right hand by the artillery fire near Verdun. Hospitalized in the Feldlazarett for three weeks
24.03.1917 - 07.09.1918 Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
31.01.1918 - 06.02.1918 Detached to the Nachrichten-Schule 21 in Saarburg
07.03.1918 - 11.03.1918 Leadership-Course in Wörth
07.09.1918 - 10.01.1919 Kompaniechef in Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
11.12.1918 - 19.12.1918 Führer Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
10.01.1919 - 25.04.1919 Chef MG-Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment "Vogel von Falkenstein" Nr.56
25.04.1919 - 13.08.1919 Officers training course in Münster
13.08.1919 - 15.09.1919 MG-Offizier in the Staff of 7. Brigade (Reichswehr)
15.09.1919 - 15.05.1920 Kompaniechef in Infanterie-Regiment Libau (Reichswehr)
15.05.1920 - 01.10.1920 Kompaniechef in Schützen-Regiment 13 (Reichswehr)
01.10.1920 - 08.08.1921 Kompaniechef in 18. Infanterie-Regiment (Reichswehr)
08.08.1921 - 01.10.1924 Stabsoffizier 6. Division (Reichswehr)
01.10.1924 - 01.10.1925 Generalstabsoffizier in Gruppenkommando 1
01.10.1925 - 01.10.1928 Detached to the Reichswehrministerium
01.10.1928 - 01.03.1930 Stabsoffizier in 2. Division (Reichswehr)
01.03.1930 - 01.01.1932 Kommandeur III.Bataillon / 9.(Preußische) Infanterie-Regiment
01.01.1932 - 01.10.1934 Kommandeur 9. (Preußische) Infanterie-Regiment
01.10.1934 - 15.10.1935 Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment Potsdam
15.10.1935 - 04.02.1938 Kommandeur 23. Infanterie-Division
29.11.1937 - 11.12.1937 At the same time, Director of the Staff-Officers Course of 23. Infanterie-Division
04.02.1938 - 23.10.1939 Kommandierender-General VIII. Armeekorps
01.03.1938 - 31.08.1939 At the same time, Kommandeur Wehrkreis VIII
23.10.1939 - 04.11.1943 Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee
28.10.1943 - 06.05.1944 Führerreserve OKH and, at the same time, delegated with the temporary leadership of Heeresgruppe Mitte
06.05.1944 - 28.06.1944 Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Mitte
28.06.1944 - 16.08.1944 Removed from command and granted leave
16.08.1944 - 14.03.1945 Führerreserve OKH
14.03.1945 - 20.03.1945 Oberbefehlshaber Führungsstab Nordküste
20.03.1945 - 01.05.1945 Oberbefehlshaber Nordwest
02.05.1945 - 04.05.1945 Oberbefehlshaber Nord
04.05.1945 - 17.07.1945 In British captivity, and died as POW because of natural causes (Angina)

Awards and Decorations:
20.09.1914 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
06.03.1915 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
14.06.1917 Ritterkreuz des Königlichen Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
00.00.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen 1918 in Silber
04.10.1918 Pour le mérite, as Hauptmann and Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment “Vogel von Falckenstein“ Nr.56
01.01.1935 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
02.10.1936 Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
00.00.193_ Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
18.09.1939 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
25.09.1939 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
26.05.1940 Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuz #45, as General der Infanterie and Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee
06.08.1941 Mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht
16.09.1941 Mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht
21.10.1941 Mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht
30.07.1942 Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942“ (Ostmedaille)
00.00.194_ Demjanskschild
28.01.1943 Mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht
29.03.1943 Vapaudenristin Ritarikunta (Finnish Order of the Cross of Liberty), 1st Class with Star and Swords
21.08.1943 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub #274, as Generaloberst and Oberbefehlshaber 16.Armee

Raising the flag and swearing in the recruits of the Potsdam garrison in the Lustgarten, 7 November 1935. Generaloberst Werner von Blomberg inspecting the Guard of Honor from 23. Infanterie-Division. From left to right: Ernst Schaumburg, Blomberg, and Generalmajor Ernst Busch (Kommandeur 23. Infanterie-Division).

France, near Sedan, 23 May 1940: General der Infanterie Ernst Busch (right, Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee)  shaking hands with Oberst Fritz Krause, Kommandeur Artillerie-Regiment 36 / 36.Infanterie-Division (both with binoculars hanging around their necks). Dedication on the back of the photo: To my exemplary artillery commander, Colonel Krause, in memory of the battle in the Bois de Sommauthe and the France, near Sedan on May 23, 1940. by his grateful (...) commander Georg Lindemann Generalleutnant. The picture was taken by Bildberichter von der Piepen.

The ceremony for the appointment of the new generals and marshals of Germany which was held on 19 July 1940 in Krolloper, Berlin. This photo shows Hitler greeting the new Generaloberst appointed on the same day. From left to right: Großadmiral Erich Raeder (Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine), Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Brauchitsch (back to the camera, Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres), and Generalfeldmarschall Erhard Milch (Generalinspekteur der Luftwaffe als Vertreter des Oberbefehlshabers Göring). Next is the officers who were promoted to Generaloberst: General der Artillerie Franz Halder (Chef des Generalstabes des Heeres), General der Artillerie Friedrich Dollmann (tidak kelihatan, Oberbefehlshaber 7. Armee), General der Kavallerie Ewald von Kleist (not visible, Kommandierender General XXII. Armeekorps [motorisiert]), General der Kavallerie Maximilian Reichsfreiherr von Weichs (Oberbefehlshaber 2. Armee), General der Artillerie Georg von Küchler (Oberbefehlshaber 18. Armee), General der Infanterie Eugen Ritter von Schobert (shake hands with Hitler, Kommandierender General VII. Armeekorps), General der Infanterie Ernst Busch (Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee), General der Panzertruppe Heinz Guderian (Kommandierender General XIX. Armeekorps [motorisiert]), and General der Infanterie Hermann Hoth (Kommandierender General XV. Armeekorps). Interestingly, the new Generaloberst (from Halder to Hoth) stands according to the order of seniority. Other Generaloberst appointed on the same day but not seen in this photo are (in order from left to right after Hoth): General der Infanterie Adolf Strauß (Kommandierender General II. Armekorps), General der Artillerie Curt Haase (Kommandierender General III. Armekorps) ), General der Infanterie Nikolaus von Falkenhorst (Oberbefehlshaber Armeegruppe XXI), General der Kavallerie Erich Hoepner (Kommandierender General XVI. Armekorps [motorisiert]), and General der Artillerie Friedrich "Fritz" Fromm (Chef der Heeresrüsheeber und Erfesatzheeber und Befehlerie). There are 14 new Generalobers in total!

Generaloberst Ernst Busch (Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee) in a picture taken 1940. He is wearing the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, which he received on 26 May 1940 as General der Infanterie dan Oberbefehlshaber 16.Armee / Heeresgruppe A. You can buy the original picture at

Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch with his officers. He received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 26 May 1940 and Eichenlaub on 21 August 1943, both as Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee.

Generaloberst Ernst Busch (Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee) poses with Oberst Erich Jaschke (right, Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 90 / 20.Infanterie-Division) in front of a BMW 335. This photo was most likely taken on the Volkhov front, northern sector of the Eastern Front, in the winter of 1941/42. At that time the Germans were not yet equipped with the winter white clothes and gear, so they wore the standard Wehrmacht coats or any other thick garment they could find in the field.

From left to right: General der Infanterie Gustav Höhne (Kommandierender General VIII. Armeekorps), Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch (Oberbefehlshaber 16. Armee), and Oberst i.G. Eberhard von Schönfeldt (Chef des Generalstabes VIII. Armeekorps). This picture was taken at Volkhov (Wolchow), Leningrad Front, probably in the fall of 1943.

Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch with his troops, possibly in the Eastern Front. No other information available. We can see the Eichenlaub hanging in his Ritterkreuz. He received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 26 May 1940, while Eichenlaub on 21 August 1943.

Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch, possibly in the Eastern Front. No other information available. We can see the Eichenlaub hanging in his Ritterkreuz. He received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 26 May 1940, while Eichenlaub on 21 August 1943.

Wehrmacht generals pose together in front of a wooden house in the central sector of the Eastern Front. Standing in the front row, from left to right: Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Mitte), Generaloberst Walter Weiss (Oberbefehlshaber 2. Armee), Generalleutnant Hans Krebs (Chef des Generalstabes Heeresgruppe Mitte), General der Infanterie Friedrich Hoßbach (Kommandierender General LVI. Panzerkorps), General der Artillerie Rudolf Freiherr von Roman (Kommandierender General XX. Armekorps), and Generalleutnant Hans Speth (Führer-Reserve Oberkommando des Heeres). Standing directly behind Weiss is Generalleutnant Gustav Harteneck (Kommandeur 72. Infanterie-Division). This photo was taken in May 1944 by Kriegsberichter Thiemann of Propaganda-Kompanie 670. Just one month later, this area under the command of Heeresgruppe Mitte fell apart after the Red Army launched Operation Bagration!

Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch in May 1944.

Source :
Bundesarchiv photo collection
ECPAD Archive (PK697 F798 L27)

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