
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma and Spanish Officer

Oberst Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma (right, Kommandeur Gruppe Imker / Legion Kondor) with fellow Spanish officer. The picture was taken on 27 May 1939 after the end of the Spanish Civil War. From 23 September 1936 to 8 June 1939, at the disposal of the Army High Command, Oberst Von Thoma was appointed as Commander of Group “Imker” (Beekeeper), the ground contingent of the German Condor Legion in Spain. Arriving in Spain in early October 1936, the personnel of Group “Imker” were originally volunteers from Panzer Regiment 6 “Neuruppin” of the 3rd Panzer Division. Tasked with training General Francisco Franco’s Spanish Nationalist officers and men in tanks, infantry tactics, and artillery and signals employment, Group “Imker” maintained two, then three panzer training companies equipped with PzKpfw I light tanks (panzer units were codenamed Group “Drohne” or Drone. After completion of their training, the Spanish troops took custody of the tanks at which time a new shipment of PzKpfw I tanks arrived from Germany. Additionally, Group “Drohne” made use of large numbers of the superior Russian tanks captured from Republican forces (the T-26 tank was particularly prized). While ostensibly in Spain in a training capacity, the German Army instructors also rotated to the front to provide further technical advice to the Spanish and to engage in direct combat operations. Ritter von Thoma was a frequent visitor to the combat zones; he later claimed to have taken part in 192 tank actions in Spain.

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