
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Ritterkreuz Actions of Günter Goebel

Günter Goebel (14 November 1917 - 4 September 1993) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 18 October 1941 as Adjutant Infanterie-Regiment 208 / 79.Infanterie-Division. On 14 September 1941 Oberleutnant Goebel made the independent decision to take command of a Radfahr-Bataillon that was temporary leaderless. By doing this, and continuing an attack with this unit immediately afterwards, it was possible to push the enemy back and win a lot of ground in a relatively short amount of time. On the very next day Goebel launched another bold attack that stormed a Soviet airfield. In the process a number of aircraft were destroyed on the ground. Along with this success an enemy army-level depot was also captured undamaged. For the sum of his achievements during this time Goebel would receive the Ritterkreuz.

Goebel received the Eichenlaub #180 for his Ritterkreuz on 18 January 1943 as Hauptmann and Führer Kampfgruppe Goebbel / 79.Infanterie-Division. On 17 December 1942 Hauptmann Goebel commanded a Kampfgruppe in the area of the 384. Infanterie-Division, specifically near Nishnij-Tschirskaja (along the Chir river). Starting on this day Goebel would hold his assigned bridgehead for weeks, up until 1 January 1943. By this action he played a major role in holding the Soviets along the Chir river and preventing them from immediately advancing further towards the west and southwest. He would receive the Eichenlaub in recognition of this accomplishment.

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