
Friday, December 23, 2022

Bio of Oberst Ludwig Streil (1893-1940)


By: Dolomitenfreund

Table of contents:
A. Introduction and Biography
B. Personal Life
C. Chronicle of his life prior to and during WW1
D. Chronicle of his life between the wars and into WW2

1. Injuries sustained in WW1 as listed in his military records
2. List of awards and medals he received in World War 1
3. Information from his “Personalbogen” (Personnel Record) 19.Nov. 1917 – German
4. Information from his “Personalbogen” (Personnel Record) 19.Nov. 1917 – English
5. Auszüge aus dem Wehrpass (Excerpts from Ludwig Streil Military Service Book) – German
6. Excerpts from Ludwig Streil Military Service Book (Wehrpass) – English
7. History, structure and configuration of Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leib-Regiment prior to WW1 and between the wars
8. Post WW1 promotions and posting locations
9. List of awards, medals and promotions he received in World War 2
10. Structure of Wehrmacht Infantry Regiments 61 & 62 (I.R. 61 & 62)
11. References

A.) Introduction and Biography

Ludwig Streil (21.Jan.1893–17.May 1940) was a distinguished German officer who entered the Bavarian Army prior to World War 1 and rose through the ranks from Unteroffizier (Corporal] to Oberst [Colonel]. For his outstanding military service and daring he received the very rarely bestowed title of “Tapferkeits- Offizier” (Bravery Officer) as well as many medals and awards including the Bavarian Golden Military Merit and Bravery Medal, and in World War 2 the German Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. Streil was a commanding officer in the Freikorps and the Reichswehr between the wars and was Commander of the 2nd Battalion of the Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment 61 at the time of his death during the Invasion of Belgium in May 1940.[1][2][13]

Born: 21.Jan.1893 in Zusamzell, Bavaria
He entered military service 23.Oct.1912 in the 8th Company of the 1.Bayerisches Infanterie Regiment “Leiber” and served on many fronts in WW1 as a brave and heroic Non-commissioned officer (NCO) receiving many awards.
On 24.Dec.1917 he was promoted and proclaimed a “Tapferkeits-Offizier” [Bravery Officer]. He was one of only 230 NCOs in the German Armed Forces in WW1 to have received this honorable title and rank. [1] [11]
Died in Action: 17.May 1940 (age 47) along the Charleroi Canal (Senette) near Ittre, Belgium while fighting with the II. Battalion of Infanterie Regiment 61 (established 15. Oct.1935)
Dogtag details (Erkennungsmarke): -62-St.II./ I.R.62 (Stab.II Bataillon Infanterie-Regiment 62) [6]
Cause of death: Multiple injuries caused by shrapnel [Granatsplitter]
Initially buried on the grounds of the Château d'Ittre (Ittre /Walloon Brabant/Belgium), then after WW2 relocated and interred in the German Military Cemetery at Lommel (Limburg, Belgium) Row 49/Grave264 [1]

B.) Personal Life

Last Residence: Gut Hub, Penzberg, Bavaria
Married: 19. Dec. 1929 to Eileen Theodora Bredt (nee Meyer) as Hauptmann (Captain) of the 19th Bayerisches Infanterie Regiment – IR.19 München / Munich
Wife: Eileen Streil b. 31. March 1898 – d. 24. Dec. 1976
Georg Streil b. 15. Aug.1932 - d. 04. July 2015
Gabriele Streil b. 16. Dec.1933 - d. 07. Oct. 2013
Otto Bredt (Stepson) b. 28. Sep.1918 –Unteroffizier (Corporal) with the Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98. Part of Heeresgruppe-Süd 17th Infantry Division or 3rd Gebirgs-Division Missing in Action: 21.Jan.1944 Nikopol, Ukraine
Walter “Rolf” Bredt (Stepson) b. 21. June 1920 Lieutenant in the Infanterie Regiment 40 later Hauptmann (Captain) of a Panzergrenadier Regiment. MIA: St. Vith, Belgium Killed in Action: Dec. 1944 during the “Battle of St. Vith”.
Eva Bredt (Stepdaughter) b. 30. Mar.1924 [6] [9 – pg. 76] [Personal documents & photographs from his family]

C.) Chronicle of his life prior to and during WW1

Born on 21.Jan.1893 Zusamzell (Altenmünster, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany) as the son of Josef Streil (master blacksmith and farmer in Zusamzell) and Viktoria Streil (nee Demharter), at 3.00 PM in Haus/house #13 according to the Geburtsregister des Standesamts Zusamzell. [Birth registry in the Zusamzell Registrar’s Office][5]
His schooling consisted of attending the local Volksschule [Public school] and 2 years in the Bauschule in Augsburg [School of Architecture and Construction]. At age 19 he was working as a Praktikant [Student Apprentice] when on 23.Oct.1912 he entered the service as a 2-year volunteer in the 8th Company of the Bayerisches Infanterie Leib-Regiment. [5] It is not known what motivated him to join as a volunteer.

On 01.Aug.1914 Germany entered into the First World War, with Streil serving in the above mentioned regiment. Within a very short time Unteroffizier Streil [Corporal] had distinguished himself in battle on the Western Front as “Der Patrouillengänger” [the foremost and outstanding/daring reconnaissance /patrol scout]. He also proved himself as an innovator of new ideas. He experimented with different designs of hand grenades, for example filling tin cans with lead shrapnel, hobnails and gunpowder, as well as utilizing barrels filled with sand, gravel and straw to roll in front of himself and his fellow soldiers to provide protective cover while advancing towards enemy trenches. [1][2][9- Pg.2] [10][11]

By 24.October 1914 he had been awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse aka EKII).
While fighting in the vicinity of Vermandovillers [between Amiens and St.Quentin] France, he was awarded Bavaria’s highest award for NCOs (Die Goldene Tapferkeitsmedaille) for his bravery as reconnaissance scout and the valuable information he had previously gathered. [2 - Pg.3] Nossoncourt was the location of his outstanding act of bravery for which he received this award. It was here that he voluntarily reconnoitered far behind the enemy lines to locate the exact location of an artillery battery which had hitherto evaded all efforts to destroy it. With the aid of his drawings the battery was able to be located and destroyed. [1][10]

In the book “Das Königlich Bayerische Infanterie Leib-Regiment im Weltkrieg 1914/18” written in 1931 by Major Joseph Ritter von Reiss and other surviving officers of the regiment, there is a specific entry regarding the dangerous reconnaissance patrols of the 8th Kompanie from 21.-25.Oct.1914 conducted by Unteroffizier Streil in which he repeatedly volunteered to approach the enemy front-lines, at times as close as 10 meters, to collect valuable strategic information. [1][12]

On 18.Jan.1915 he was promoted from Unteroffizier [Corporal] to Vizefeldwebel [Senior NCO or Sergeant First Class] [5]

While attached to and fighting with the German “Alpenkorps” at Son Pauses along the Italian Dolomite Front in the Tyrol, he was well known among the local troops on account of his hut, nick-named “Schloss Hubertus” (Castle Hubertus), which contained an orchestrion that had been taken from the ruins of a local manor named “Jagdhaus Hubertus”(Hunting Lodge Hubertus).[1][14]
[Orchestrion is a generic name for a machine that plays music and is designed to sound like an orchestra or band.]

On page 156 of the “Deutsches Soldatenjahrbuch-1973” it mentions “Offizier Stellvertreter” [Officer Deputy] Streil again specifically for his bravery during the attack on 23.June 1916 at Fleury, France. During a charge towards enemy lines, a French machine-gun was wreaking havoc and death upon the advancing German troops of the 8. Kompanie. Vizefeldwebel Streil stormed the position together with two other men and threw a hand-grenade at the French gun and crew. But before it could explode, the gunner was able to fire a number of rounds hitting Streil three times; wounding him in the neck, lung and shoulder. A few moments later his company commander Oberleutnant [First Lieutenant] Georg Ritter von Rauscher was shot in the head and killed while issuing orders to nearby German machine-gunners. [1][12]
[Full name: Georg Ritter und Edler von Rauscher auf Weeg b. 7.06.1892 München KIA 23.06.1916 at Fleury, Verdun. ... hp?t=40108

What follows is a combination of two separate accounts of the events concerning Streil’s severe injuries sustained on the above mentioned date 23.June 1916. The first from Ludwig Streil’s own account “Mein letzter Sturm”[9] and the other from the 1940 Josef Magnus Wehner obituary for Streil outlining the ordeal as published in the Münchener Stadtanzeiger on the 24th anniversary 23.June.1940. [10]

Following the attack on and destruction of the machine-gun, during which he had been hit three times, Streil was left behind by the advancing troops, lying in a shell crater in no-man’s land for 2 days and nights in the midst of constant shell fire. He had no food and little water. He sustained further injuries while he was lying there, already seriously wounded, waiting for help to arrive, beginning with an un-exploded large caliber naval gun projectile that crashed into the ground just meters away from him. Though it luckily did not explode, the concussion on impact caused his chest and lungs to compress temporarily robbing him of the ability to breath and bruising his lungs and body. In the hours that followed he received further shrapnel wounds, the first passing through his left foot causing severe bleeding. A few hours later two more pieces of red hot shrapnel cut into his left upper and lower thigh. During the night a further four fragments ripped into his back, left upper and lower thigh and his right shoulder, fracturing his shoulder-blade. Just around mid-day two days after his initial injury, he was struck by an empty shrapnel shell casing further injuring his left arm. His orderly (Gefechtsordonanz) named Sutor had been able to provide some hasty first aid following Streil’s initial injuries, but then had to leave with the charging troops advancing further in the attack through Fleury to the heights overlooking Verdun. On 25.June‘16 his orderly Sutor returned to Fort Douaumont and set out searching for and finding his “Zugführer” (Platoon commander) still lying in a shell hole in no man’s land. He attempted to carry the “half-naked coal black” body by himself but was unable to do so. He later returned with medics, one of which was apparently killed just before reaching the safety of Fort Douaumont.
[It should be noted that this fatality of the stretcher bearer is not mentioned in Streil’s own account of events, but only in the Wehner article][10]

The examining doctors initially expected Streil to die, however they made an effort to save his life. While Streil lay in no man’s land he had wanted to die, praying for a shell to explode near enough or on him to put him out of his misery. Now that there was hope again that he could survive, his will to live returned.
On 26.June 1916 he was transferred from Douaumont to the field hospital at Azannes, France. From the end of June 1916 until April 1917 he was treated in various locations in Germany to recover from his injuries and regain his strength. His military record states that he was back at the front by 01.May 1917 when he participated in the static battles of the Upper Alsace Region between 21.May-29.July 17. [4][5]
His next deployment was to the Italian Front from 24.Oct. - 19.Nov.1917 to participate in the Battle of Caporetto [Twelfth Battle of Isonzo] – not in his Personnel Record but from other sources. [2]

On 25.Nov.1916 he was transferred to the 1.Ersatz Battalion des Infanterie Leibregiment. [5]

On 24.Dec.1917 he was promoted from Vizefeldwebel [Senior NCO or Staff Sergeant] to “Leutnant der Reserve des Königlich Bayerischen Infanterie-Leibregiment” [Second Lieutenant “of the Reserve”] and pronounced a “Tapferkeits-offizier” (Bravery Officer) a very rare honor and outstanding achievement. He was the only one from the entire Bayer. Inf. Leib. Rgt. and one of only 230 NCOs in WW1 in the combined German Armed Forces to be awarded this title and promoted to officer rank on account of his bravery and achievements. [1][3][5][9][10]

He remained with this regiment until the end of the war on 11.Nov.18 in various capacities as Kompanie Führer der Pionier-Kompanie [Commander of an Engineers Company], as Adjutant II./Leib.[Aide- de- Camp of II. /Leib.Reg.], as Ordonnanz Offizier [Ordnance officer II./Leib.Reg.] and as Zugführer in der Pionier Kompanie[Platoon Leader of an Engineers Company of II. /Leib.Reg.].[2]
Pioneer ≈ Combat Engineer-

In October 1918 he was awarded the Wound Badge in Gold after suffering three further severe and light injuries. One of which was a severe wound to his left forearm caused by a large piece of shrapnel.
[6][9 -“Wehrpass Auszüge”] [11]

D.) Chronicle of his life between the wars and into WW2

Ludwig Streil is and was well-known for his many poems and verse written primarily about his experiences as a soldier in the First World War and later years between the wars in the military. Therein he exalted the virtues of good soldiers both in friend and foe as well as the tragedy of war.
[8-pg.70] [9-pg.66-75] ... e_Trenches

He also wrote a play called “Ein Deutsches Spiel” (A German Play) which dealt with the Allied occupation of the Rhineland 1918-19. The play was performed a number of times–once on 18.Dec.1933 at a Christmas celebration of the 4. (Machine-Gun Company) Kompanie 19. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment at the Hotel “Union” Bayerstrasse in Munich, then in December 1938 in Innsbruck by the 2.Gebirgsdivision (as mentioned in the Innsbrucker Zeitung) and perhaps in the Berliner Konzerthaus in 1923 in front of Reichspräsident Friedrich Ebert and the Diplomatic Corps.
[9 - Copy of program cover and 18 page script pg. 41-59] ... _Rhineland

His compassionate and sympathetic poem “Mein Feind” [My Enemy] was set to music by the famous Bavarian military march composer Georg Fürst (1870-1936). Georg Fürst was at one time musical director of the Bayerisches Infanterie Leib-Regiment as well as the Königlich Bayerisches 5. Infanterie-Regiment „Großherzog Ernst Ludwig von Hessen“ and later the 19. (Bayerisches) Infanterie-Regiment, but is best known for his many popular military marches. [4]

After the war the “Leiber” Regiment was demobilized. According to the “Urteil des Arbeiter- und Soldatenrates” (Judgement of the Works- & Soldiers Council) Streil was discharged from his military service on 01.Feb.1919. By April 1919 the former commander of the “Leiber” Regiment Oberst Ritter von Epp had formed “Freikorps Epp” and was enlisting many men of his former regiment. [1][9- Wehrpass]

The word “Freikorps” (German for "Free Corps") was first used for voluntary armies in Germany. After World War I the term was used for paramilitary units. These Freikorps became famous at the time of the Weimar Republic fighting against communists in some cities and towns.

Streil was taken into the ranks of “Freikorps Epp” and made Werbe-Offizier (Recruiting Officer). In May 1919 he was instrumental in defeating communist fighters in Munich of the “Münchner- or Bayerische Räterepublik” and in April 1919 during the German Civil War aka the November Revolution which lasted from November 1918 to August 1919. When Freikorps Epp was later included into the Reichswehr, it was renamed “Brigade Epp” and was part of the Reichswehr-Schützen-Brigade 21. [9][11] ... /Freikorps
https://www.historisches-lexikon-bayern ... ikorps_Epp

It was with Schützen-Brigade #21 that he participated in the fighting in Ruhraufstand (Ruhr-Uprising) in March 1920 against the “Rote Ruhrarmee” (Communist Ruhr-Army)

From 01.Oct.-31.Dec.1920 Streil was temporarily transferred to Infantry Regiment 42 and then to Infantry Regiment 14
[9]–“Wehrpass” pg. 144 [11] ... hraufstand

As part of the limited “100.000 man” Heer (Army) of the Reichswehr, Streil entered the newly formed 19th Bavarian Infantry Regiment on 01.Jan.1921 (as “Begleitzugführer einer M.G. Kompanie”) and was later commander of the 1st Company. He remained with Inf. Reg. 19 until 31.Dec.1934.
[9 - Curriculum vitae and obituary from Kompanie “Von Epp” 8. Kp. pg. 2] [11]
19. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment ... IR19-R.htm

On 01.Feb.1925 while Streil was serving in the Reichswehr I.R. 19 when he was promoted from Leutnant [Second Lieutenant] to Oberleutnant [First Lieutenant] [6][9- Wehrpass]

Some four years later, on 01.June 1929, Streil was again promoted from Oberleutnant [First Lieutenant] to Hauptmann [Captain] while he was still serving with the I.R.19. [6][9- Wehrpass]

In the following years he was instrumental in rebuilding the German Army. In 1929 compulsory military service was reintroduced and with it the need for more instructors. On 01.Oct.1934 Streil was posted to the “Infanterie-Schule Dresden” and as of 15.Oct.1935 to the “Kriegs-Truppen-schule München (Military College in Munich) as “Inspektions-chef” [aka “Kompanie-chef” or the Inspector General]. In this capacity he not only held the most authority, but he was also the most popular officer of the school and was largely responsible for running and overseeing the entire facility. Streil remained at this post until 12.Oct.1937. [1][9][10][11]

On 01.Oct.1934 the Reichswehr was expanded and incorporated into the Wehrmacht and the Bavarian Infantry Regiment 19 was re-named Infanterie-Regiment München. ... IR19-R.htm

On 01.Aug.1935 Hitler promoted him from Hauptmann [Captain] to Major [9 - pg. 37 & 144][11]

On 12.Oct.1937 Major Streil was made Battalion commander of the II. Bataillon of the Infanterie Regiment 62 (Landshut), which was part of the 7. Infanterie Division. [1][9 - pg.144][11] ... IR62-R.htm ... /7ID-R.htm

On 01.Apr.1938 he was promoted to Oberstleutnant [Lieutenant Colonel] while still attached to the Infanterie Regiment 62 (I.R.62 Landshut)
[Award document w. proxy-stamp signature by Hitler and Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch photocopy]
[6] [9-pg.110 & Wehrpass pg.144] [11]

The I.R.62 was mobilized from 01.-10.Oct.1938 in preparation for the Occupation of the Sudetenland. Streil entered Czechoslovakia with his troops and was made temporary “Stadtkommandant” (town commander) of Bergreichenstein [Today: Kašperské Hory] in the Böhmerwald [Bohemian Forest]]. The predominately German-speaking population of the Sudetenland had been made part of the new country Czechoslovakia after WW1. Conditions in the country were poor at best and the German population had suffered under the Czech government. Therefore the German population welcomed the region’s inclusion into the German Reich. The few Czechs living in the region fled after the German occupation. In his capacity as “Stadtkommandant” Streil ordered that a report be written about the conditions of the local population and how they could best be assisted to develop economically. For this and other efforts to better the life of the local population, he was made an honorary citizen of the town in 1938. [9 - Photocopy of document p.116-17 and the report p.118-126] ... hoslovakia

On 01.Aug.1939 Streil was sent with the German 7. Infanterie Division (7th Infantry Division) to Slovakia where it was fully mobilized for action by 26.Aug.1939. His first action in WW2 was noted on 01.Sept.1939 with the commencement of fighting at the Jablunka/Jablunkov Pass.
[9 - Wehrpass] ... Wehrmacht)

As an officer and man, Streil commanded respect from all ranks – from his superiors to the lowest Private. Streil personified the ideal of a German officer (or any military officer for that matter) – by setting the highest demands of courage, gallantry, resoluteness, fairness, consideration and loyalty from himself and from those he commanded. His character was summed up in the idiom with “Er trug den Marschallstab im Tournister!” literally “He carried the marshal’s baton in his knapsack” meaning “He had/showed the potential of being an excellent leader of men”. [11]

Throughout his military career until the day of his death he demonstrated his fearless courage in the face of the enemy. In battle he could always be found at the forefront attacking with his troops - hand grenades in hand. Streil was always striving to improve the efficiency but also the safety of – and for – his troops. [1][2][3][9- pg.2][10][11][13]

His bravery and contribution during the difficult yet short-lived Battle of Prezmyśl (11.-14.Sept.1939) during the invasion in former Galicia in Poland resulted in him being awarded the Clasps to the Iron Cross 1st & 2nd Class (Spangen zum EK I & II). Furthermore he participated in the fighting at Brzuchowice, Poland and up to the demarcation line at Lemberg [Lviv], Ukraine which was occupied by Russian troops invading Poland from the East.[1][6][9-pg.2,130,134][11] ... 9Bl_(1939)

On 10.Jan.1940 he was proclaimed “Battaillons Kommandeur” [Commander] of the Infanterie [Grenadier] Regiment 61 by Hitler. [1][6][9-pg.2] ... IR61-R.htm

As of the end of January 1940 the IR.61 had been transferred from Poland to the West in the border region around Geilenkirchen in preparation for the fighting in the Netherlands and beyond. On May 10 they advanced crossing over the border and attacking the bunkers along the Juliana Canal beginning the conquest of Netherlands, Belgium and ultimately France.

On 17.May 1940 the I.R.61 was poised to advance further westward, preparing to cross the Charleroi Canal (Senette River), south of Brussels. It had been on the move constantly through Holland and Belgium for an entire week since May 10th crossing the Juliana-Kanal, Hertogenbosch (aka Mass-Schelde-Canal) on same day, Albert Canal on the 11th , St. Trond on the 13th , and Limal an der Dyle by May 15th. They had been marching and fighting non-stop, covering 160 km while getting very little rest. Kommandeur Streil had not slept more than a few hours per night since May 9th. He was up and reviewing the front line by 5:00 am seeing that everything had been put in place to ensure the success of the day’s upcoming battle and the safety of his troops. (Photo above was taken on 17.May and is the last known photograph of him alive) The attack across the Senette was scheduled to begin at 8.30 pm. As the day progressed, the German and French artillery carried on duels attempting to destroy each other’s batteries and guns. That afternoon while he was reviewing the most forward positions and the preparations which had been taken, Streil ran into a sector that was just coming under heavy enemy artillery fire. Bold and fearless as always, he carried on his inspection of the Pionier-Kompanie’s (Engineer Company) preparations to cross the river when he was killed by exploding shells. The battle began and raged on for many hours until after midnight. At 02.00 am on 18.May when there was a lull in the fighting, the mortal remains (only his right hand) of Oberstleutnant Ludwig Streil were buried under a grove of trees on the grounds of near-by Chateau d’Ittre (Ittre in Walloon Brabant Province). The news of Streil’s untimely death spread through the regiment like wild-fire, shocking and saddening the troops. When they commenced their attacks in the following days, “Streil, Streil” was their battle-cry. They were the first companies to cross the canal from the entire Division, and in fact from the entire Corps. [9 - pg. 66, report dated 05.Sept.1941 from Hauptmann Reinhardt on pg.152 and in the reprint of IR 61 diary entry pg.156][10]

On 30.June 1941 Streil was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross [Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes] by Hitler on recommendation of Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch. [1][6][9][13]

I am sorry to say that it should be noted that this significant award as well as his other medals and many personal items were stolen by American soldiers when they occupied the town of Penzberg in the closing days of the war, when they were going from house to house taking whatever they wanted.

Later the post-war German police and US Military officials repeatedly visited the family home and confiscated any materials they deemed National Socialistic in nature including most all of his diaries and documents and many other personal effects, even though he was never a Party Member or affiliated with the Party outside of his military career. In fact he was highly critical of the NS regime in private correspondence to his family. None the stolen or confiscated items were ever returned to the family.
[9- Pg.22] and from interviews with surviving son and step-daughter

On 22.Jan.1943 Oberstleutnant [Lieutenant Colonel] Streil was posthumously promoted to the rank of Oberst [Colonel] retroactive to 01.May 1940. [6 -documents ls0077, Is0083, Is0113]

His well-known slogan to his battalion in both wars was: “Gruppe Schwung macht einen Sprung!”(“Forward group with verve and with a leap!”). [10]

Streil’s grave was relocated in 1946-47 when the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) transferred the remains of fallen German soldiers which were provisionally buried throughout Belgium and interred them in the German Military Cemetery at Lommel (Limburg) Row 49 / Grave264

1.) Injuries sustained in WW1 as listed in his military records (Personal Bogen)

From 21.May to 03.June 1916 he was treated for a severely sprained foot in the military hospital at Lycée Chanzy in Charleville-Mézières”, which had previously been a girl’s school.

On 23.June ‘16 he was nearly killed by three machine-gun bullets to the left upper chest, upper arm and left lung as well as shell fragments to his upper back, left arm, left foot and concussion of the chest cavity.

On 25.June ‘16 he was found nearly dead and retrieved from the battle-field and brought to Fort Douaumont [not mentioned in his “Personal-Bogen” record, but added for clarification purposes from diary notes]

On 26.June ‘16 he was transferred to the field-hospital of the 1. Bayerisches Armee Korps [1st Bavarian Army Corps] at Azannes [Azannes-et-Soumazannes]

On 27.June ‘16 he was transferred to the field-hospital at Montmédy

On 29.June ‘16 he was transferred to the Reserve-lazarett (Reserve Hospital) Landau in der Pfalz, Rhine-Palatinate

On 16.July ‘16 he was convalescing in the Vizentius-Stift-Krankenhaus in Landau (hospital) Rhine-Palatinate

To recover completely he was transferred to the Pflegestätte (care facility) “Friedenau” Bad Reichenhall on 21.Oct.16. [4][5]

2.) List of awards and medals he received in World War 1

*^Bavarian Golden Military Merit/Bravery Medal (Goldene Militär-Verdienst-Medaille König Max Josef 1. (grosses Brustbild) Awarded 25.July 1918 on document, but archive document states 21.Nov.1914. Note: Goldene Militär-Verdienstmedaille was renamed Goldene Tapferkeits-medaille as of 02.Mar.1918. Streil was 1 of only 998 recipients of this medal in WW1 [2nd from left]

*Bavarian Golden Military Merit Order 4th Class with swords (Bayerisches Goldene Militär Verdienst Medaille/Orden 4.Klasse mit Schwertern) (01.Dec.1914 /[5] states: 05.Apr.1919) [4th from left]

*^ Prussian Iron Cross II Class (Preussen Eisernes Kreuz EK II) 24.Oct.1914 [1st at left]

* Prussian Iron Cross I Class (Preussen Eisernes Kreuz EK I) 03.Jul.1918 [breast top]

~Wound Badge in Gold (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Gold) for 5 or more injuries in October 1917 [breast bottom] [6][11]

*Medal for Bravery 3rd Class Bronze (Österreichische Tapferkeitsmedaille 3. Klasse in Bronze) (26.May 1918) [6] (or 1st class in Silver as stated in Georg Aubele account) [7th from Left]

~ Tyrol Province Remembrance Medal (Tiroler Kriegs-Landesdenkmünze) (14.Jun.1929) [far right] Instituted 07.Feb.1928. Designed by Major Gotthard Freiherr von An der Lan zu Hochbrunn (Tyrol eagle on front – reverse says: “Das Land Tirol den Verteidigern des Vaterlandes 1914-18”)

~ Honour Cross for Combatants of the World War 1914/1918 (Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer des Weltkriegs 1914/1918) [5th from left]

*^ Bavarian Military Merit Cross 3rd Class with crown and swords (Bayern Militär-Verdienstkreuz 3. Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern) awarded: 18.Sept.1914 [3rd from left]

~ Bavarian Long Service Award 2nd /3rd Class (Bayern Dienstauszeichnung 2./3.Klasse 1913 for 12/9 years’ service) [6th from left]

* Information of medals provided by the Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv File/Signatur: OP61637 and

^ Ludwig Streil Personalbogen from the above mentioned archives [5]

~ From photograph identification alone [Numbers and placement information in [brackets] refer to order of medals on portrait photograph attached][5][6][11]

3.) Information from his “Personalbogen” (Personnel Record) 19. Nov. 1917– German

Personalbogen (Military Personal Record) No.1223/10
[4] [5] Courtesy of Dr. Ernst Aichner (Direktor) at the Bayerisches Armeemuseum, Ingolstadt

No. 12 23/10 17 24/12 RbL.Inf.
Geboren 1893 -21.Januar Zusamzell-Wertingen Schwaben und Neuburg Bayern
Grösse: 1m 74cm
Religion: Katholisch
Eltern: Vater: Josef, Schmied und Landwirt Mutter: Viktoria, geb(orene) Demharter
Studien vor dem Eintritt: 2 Klassen Bauschule, Augsburg
Zivilverhältnis und Wohnsitz: Baupraktikant München 1 München

Zugang, Ernennungen, Beförderungen, Versetzungen usw.

1912 23.Oktober Diensteintritt als zweijährig-Freiwilliger bei der 8. Komp(anie) K(öniglich) b(ayerisch) Inf(anterie)-Leib-Reg(imen)t.
1913 21.September Unteroffizier
1914 7.August mit 8.K(om)p(anie) I.L.R. ins Feld
1915 18. Januar Vizefeldwebel
1916 25.November zum 1.Ers(atz) Bat(a)l(ion) 1 Kp.,I.L.R.
1917 29.April zum K.b Inf.-Leib. Regt. ins Feld versetzt
1917 24.Dez(ember) Leutnant d(er) R(eserve) d(er) Inf(anterie) ohne Pat(ent)

Orden und Ehrenzeichen a.)vaterländische b.) fremde

a.) M.V.K 3a (Militär Verdienst Kreuz) m(it) Schw(ertern) 18.09.14
T.M.G. (Tapferkeits Medaille Gold) 21.11.14
b.) P.E.K. 2 (Preussen Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse) 24.10.14

Feldzüge, Schlachten, Belagerungen und Gefechte

1914/15 Feldzug in Frankreich
10.-13.08.14 Gefechte b(ei)Badonville(r)
14.08.14 Gefecht bei Vezouse (La Vezouze-Lunéville)
18.-19.08.14 Gefecht bei Saarburg
20.-22.08.14 Schlacht in Lothringen
23.08-14.09.14 Schlacht v(on) Nancy-Epinal
23.09.-06.10.14 Schlacht a.d.Somme
07.-10. 10.14 Stellungskämpfe westlich von St. Quentin
11.10.14-19.05.15 Stellungskämpfe an der Somme

1915 Feldzug gegen Italien
26.05-16.10.15 Kämpfe in Tirol (Innergsell, Seikofel, Son Pauses)

1915/16 Feldzug gegen Serbien
30.10.-28.11.15 Feldzug gegen Serbien
01.12.15- 03.03.16 Aufmarsch an der griech. Grenze
03.03.-19.03.16 Kämpfe an der griech. Grenze

1916 Feldzug gegen Frankreich
10.04.-02.05.16 Stellungskämpfe in der Champagne
05.06-23.06.16 Schlacht bei Verdun
15.06.-23.06.16 Kämpfe um Fleury und die “M”-Räume südlich Fleury
23.06.16 Erstürmung von Fleury

1917 Feldzug gegen Frankreich
21.05-29.07.17 Stellungskampf im Oberelsass

Vom 21.05-03.06.wegen Verletzung (Fußverstauchung) im Kriegslaz(arett) “Töchterschule Charleville”
23.06 Schwerverwundet durch 3 MG-Schüsse l(inke) Brustseite, l(inker) Oberarm u(nd) Lungenschuß links, Granatsplitter in Brust-Rücken, l(inker)Arm und l(inker)Fuss, Erschütterung des Brustkorbes Kriegsdientsbestätigung liegt vor.
26.06 im Feldlazarett d(es) I. b(ayer.) A(rmee) K(orps) Azannes (Azannes-et-Soumazannes)
27.06. im Feldlazarett Montmédy [Meuse]
29.06 im Res(erve)-Laz(arett) 12.Kaserne Landau Rh(ei)npf(a)lz
16.07 in Vinz. (Vizentus) Stift Landau Rhnpflz (Rheinpfalz)
21.10. in Pflegestätte “Friedenau” Bad Reichenhall
V(on) 01.05. -16.06 zum Feld-Re(s?) Dep. I(nfanterie) L(eib) R(egiment) k(omman)d(ie)rt. Ab 17.06 zur Reg(imen)ts-Pi(onier)-K(om)p(anie) I.L.R [Infanterie-Leib-Regiment] kommandiert
Anerkannt, den 19.11.1917
Signatur: Ludwig Streil, Vizefeldwebel
Die Beförderung wurd vom k(önigl.) b(ayr.) Inf(anterie)-Leib Reg(imen)t beantragt.

4.) Information from his “Personalbogen”(Personnel Record) 19. Nov. 1917 - English

Here is a translation of his combat related entries from his “Personalbogen” (Military Personal Record)
[4] [5]

No. 12 23/10 17 24/12 RbL.Inf.

1914/15 Campaign in France

10.-13.8.1914 Fighting near Badonville[r]
14.8.14 Fighting along the Vezouze [Vosges region]
18.-19.8.14 Fighting near Saarbourg [Sarrebourg]
20.-22.8.14 Battle of Lothringen [Lorraine]
23.8.-14.9.14 Battle of Nancy-Epinal [Battle of Grand Couronné]
23.9.-6.10.14 Battle of the Somme [Somme Offensive]
07.-10.10.14 Static battles west of St.Quentin
11.10.14-19.5.1915 Static battles along the Somme

1915 Campaign against Italy

26.5.-16.10.1915 Fighting in the Tyrol [Innergsell/Seikofel/Son Pauses-Mt.Cadin] [1][2][9]

1915/16 Campaign against Serbia

30.10.-28.11.1915 Fighting in Serbia
1.12.15 -3.3.1916 Deployment to the Greek border
3.3.-19.3.16 Fighting along the Greek border

1916 Campaign against France

10.4. - 2.5.1916 Static battles in the Champagne Region
5.6. - 23.6.16 Battle of Verdun
15.6. - 23.6.16 Fighting around Fleury and the “M”- zone south of Fleury with the 8th Company
23.6.16 Storming of Fleury [Douaumont]

1917 Campaign in France

21.5.-29.7.17 Static battles in the Upper Alsace Region
1917 Campaign in Romania [Not listed in Personalbogen - see: Wehrpass] [5][9]
06.08.17 – 03.09.17 Breakthrough battle along Putna (Bukowina) and Surita (Surina) 04.09.17 - 11.09.17 Static battles in Siret and Surita (Surina)

1917 Campaign in Italy

03.10.17 -23.10.17 Transit and March to Isonzo Front
24.10.-19.11.1917 Battle of Caporetto [Twelfth Battle of Isonzo] not mentioned in Personnel Record/Wehrpass but other sources. [2]
24.10.17 – 27.10.17 Breakthrough to the Julian Alps
28.10.17 – 03.11.17 Battle near Udine
04.11.17 – 11.11.17 Pursuit of Italian Army from Tagliamento to Piave
12.11.17 – 22.01.18 Mountain-fighting in the Venetian Alps

1918 Campaigns in France and Serbia [blue entries not in Wehrpass]

29.01.18 – 09.04.18 Static battles in Lorraine and Vosges
09.04.18 – 29.04 18 Battle at Armentières [France] to capture Kemmel Hill [Belgium]
29.04.18 – 06.05.18 Static battles in Flanders
11.08.18 - 23.09.18 Fighting along the Somme
18.09.18 Épehy
21.09.18 Lempire - Le Petit Priel Farm
23.09.18 Villers - Outréaux

29.09 - 07.10.18 Transport from France to Serbia

08.10 - 01.11.18 Fighting in Serbia

01.11 - 30.11.18 Battalion struggles to return to Munich

10.10.18 – 01.11.18 Retreat from Serbia

1919 German Revolution

0?.04.19 Fighting at Dachau, seizure of Augsburg
0?.05.19 Seizure of Munich

5.) Auszüge aus dem Wehrpass–in German [Excerpts from Military Service Book]

Berufliche, techn. Sportl. Nachw. M.R.F. I.II. und IIIb
Einstellungstag 23.10.1912
Eingestellt bei Inf. Leib. Rgt.

Zugehörigkeit zu Dienststellen des Heeres:
23.10.12 - 01.02.19 Inf. Leib.Rgt.
01.04.19 – 11.07.19 Ireik Ezg
12.07.19 – 30.09.20 Zg.Brig. 21
01.10.20 – 31.12.20 Zg.Rgt. 42 versetzt
01.01.21 – 31.12.34 Inf. Rgt. 19
01.01.35 – 12.10.37 Kriegsschule München
12.10.37 – 12.10.37 versetzt I.R. 62 als Kdr.II /62
16.10.37 – 29.10.37 z. Stabsoffz.Überweisung 1937 in Bad Wörishofen u. Augst.Kdt.
08.02.38 – 10.02.38 z. Aufklärungsgruppe 15 Göppingen Kdt
12.02.38 – 12.02.38 zur Vorführung in der Nahkampfausbildung n. München Kdt.
03.05.38 – 12.05.38 z. Lehrg.f. Btl Kdr. zur Unterweisung in der Verwdg. d. schweren Inf.Waffen u. Döberitz Kdt.
13.05.38 -06.08.39 II/I.R.62
07.08.39 – 10.01.40 Stab II I.R. 62 Feldeinheit Stab. II/62/123
11.01.40 – 17.05.40 Rgt. Stab / I.R.61
17.05.1940 in Ittre/Belgien gefallen.

Beförderungen und Ernennungen:
21.09.13 Unteroffizier
18.01.15 Vizefeldwebel
24.12.17 Leutnant d. R.
01.02.25 Oberleutnant
01.06.29 Hauptmann
01.08.35 Major
01.04.38 Oberstleutnant (32)
01.05.40* Oberst (though not listed in his Wehrpass, he was retroactively promoted on 22.01.43
[6] document Is 0077

Aktiver Wehrdienst
10.08.14 – 14.09.14 Kampf in Lothringen und vor Nancy – Epinal (Schlacht von Grand Couronné b.Nancy)
23.09.14 – 06.10.14 Schlacht an der Somme
07.10.14 – 19.05.15 Stellungskampf westlich St.Quentin und an der Somme
26.05.15 – 16.10.15 Kämpfe in Tirol
30.10.15 – 28.11.15 Feldzug in Serbien
01.12.15 – 03.03.16 Aufmarsch an der griechischen Grenze
04.03.16 – 19.03.16 Kämpfe an der griechischen Grenze
01.04.16 – 02.05.16 Stellungskampf in A. Champagne
05.06.16 – 23.06.16 Schlacht bei Verdun
21.05.17 – 29.07.17 Stellungskampf in Oberelsass
06.08.17 – 03.09.17 Durchbruchschlacht an Putna und Surita [Surina?] (Alles in Rumänien)
04.09.17 – 11.09.17 Stellungskrieg am Siret und Surita
03.10.17 – 23.10.17 Aufmarsch hinter der Isonzofront in St.Kpf [?]
24.10.17 – 27.10.17 Durchbruch durch die Julischen Alpen
28.10.17 - 03.11.17 Schlacht bei Udine
04.11.17 – 11.11.17 Verfolgung von Tagliamento bis Piave
12.11.17 - 22.01.18 Gebirgskampf in den venezianischen Alpen
29.01.18 – 09.04.18 Stellungskampf in Lothringen und Vogesen
09.04.18 – 29.04.18 Schlacht bei Armentieres um den Kemmelberg
29.04.18 – 06.05.18 Stellungskrieg in Flandern
11.08.18 – 23.09.18 Kämpfe an der Somme
10.10.18 – 01.11.18 Rückzug aus Serbien

16.04.19 – 03.05.19 Kampf bei Dachau u. Einnahme von Augsburg, Einnahme von München

01.09.39 – 01.09.39 Gefecht am Jablunkapass und Zwardon-Sattel
02.09.39 – 03.09.39 Durchbruch durch die Bunkergruppe Węgierska Górka
04.09.39 - 12.09.39 Verfolgungskämpfe bis zum San [Fluss]
13.09.39 – 13.09.39 Gefecht bei Krzywcza
14.09.39 – 15.09.39 Erstürmung von Przemyśl
15.09.39 – 16.09.39 Verfolgungskämpfe über den San [Fluss]
17.09.39 – 18.09.39 Gefechte bei Szklo, Lelechowka und Janow
20.09.39 – 21.09.39 Gefecht um Holosko und Brzuchowice

10.05.40 – 17.05.40 Kämpfe in Holland und Belgien

Verwundungen im Kriege:

21.05.16 Fussverstauchung -- I.L.R. Champagne
23.06.16 3MG Schüsse linke Brust, linker Oberarm, linke Lunge -- I.L.R. Fleury
K.D.B. Gr.Splitter Brust und Rücken Linke Brustseite
Linker Oberarm, linker Fuss, Erschütterung des Brustkorbs
18.10.18 Grosser Splitter linker Vorderarm -- bei der 8.Komp. bei der Truppe verblieben [9]

6.) Excerpts from L. Streil Military Service Book (Wehrpass) in English
[interpretations of entries & extra information in Italics]

Affiliation in the Army with troop or posted to:

23.10.12 - 01.02.19 Inf(anterie)-Leib-Reg(imen)t[8th Company of the 1.Bayerisches Inf. Reg.“Leiber”]
01.04.19 – 11.07.19 Ireik Ezg [unknown meaning]
12.07.19 – 30.09.20 Zg.Brig[-ade]. 21 [“Zg.”perhaps “Zug” (platoon) or “zugestellt” (assigned/attached to ...)]
01.10.20 – 31.12.20 Zg. Reg. 42 versetzt [transferred to]
01.01.21 – 31.12.34 Inf. Reg. 19 [Infantry Regiment 19]
01.01.35 – 12.10.37 Kriegsschule München [Army College Munich]
12.10.37 – 12.10.37 Transferred to I.R. 62 as Commander of II. Battalion of I.R.Regiment #62[Landshut]
16.10.37 – 29.10.37 Transferred as staff officer to Bad Wörishofen and Augst.(?) Kdt. [Kommandant-Commander or kommandiert/ordered]
08.02.38 – 10.02.38 Transferred as commander of the Reconnaissance Troop 15 at Göppingen
12.02.38 – 12.02.38 Presentation of the Close Combat Training Section at the Military College Munich
03.05.38 – 12.05.38 Instruction for Battalion Commanders in the use of heavy infantry weapons - in Döberitz [west of Berlin]
13.05.38 – 06.08.39 II/I.R.62 [unknown what exactly this regards to - other than II. Battalion Inf.Reg.62]
07.08.39 – 10.01.40 Stab II. I.R. 62 cadre II/62/123 [unknown what it means exactly-other than sg. about cadre II of the Inf.Reg.62]
11.01.40 – 17.05.40 Promoted to Battalion Commander of Infantry (Grenadier) Regiment 61 (I.R.61)
17.05.40 Killed in action at Ittre/Belgien

Promotions and Nominations
21.09.13 Corporal [Unteroffizier]
18.01.15 Senior NCO or Sergeant First Class [Vizefeldwebel]
24.12.17 Second Lieutenant of the Reserve [Leutnant d(er) R(eserve)]
01.02.25 First Lieutenant [Oberleutnant]
01.06.29 Captain [Hauptmann]
01.08.35 Major
01.04.38 Lieutenant Colonel [Oberstleutnant] RDA (32) RDA = Rank (Seniority)
01.05.40* Colonel [Oberst] (though not listed in his Wehrpass, he was retroactively promoted on 30.06.1941
[6] - Document Is 0077 [9- Award document pg.146]

Active Military Service [Aktiver Wehrdienst]
10.08.14 – 14.09.14 Fighting in Lorraine and outside of Nancy/Epinal
[Battle of Lorraine and Battle of Grand Couronné – Nancy]
23.09.14 – 06.10.14 Battle along the Somme [First Battle of the Marne]
07.10.14 – 19.05.15 Static fighting west of St. Quentin and along the Somme
26.05.15 – 16.10.15 Fighting in the Tyrol [Innergsell -Sexten, Son Pauses - Mt.Cadin in the Dolomites]
30.10.15 – 28.11.15 Campaign in Serbia
01.12.15 – 03.03.16 Deployment along the Greek border
04.03.16 – 19.03.16 Fighting along the Greek border
01.04.16 – 02.05.16 Static fighting in A. [unidentified] Champagne [region]
05.06.16 – 23.06.16 Battle of Verdun [21 February to 18 December 1916]
21.05.17 – 29.07.17 Static fighting in Upper Alsace Region
06.08.17 – 03.09.17 Breakthrough battle along the Putna and Surita (perhaps Surina River is meant] [Battle of Marasesti 06.-19.08.17 Putna River is a tributary of the Siret River in Vrancea County in Moldavia, Romania]
04.09.17 – 11.09.17 Static fighting along the Siret and Surita [Siretis a town in Bukovina, N.E. Romania former capital of Moldavia. Surita may be a misspelling of Surina, a river in Moldavia/Bukovina]
03.10.17 – 23.10.17 Deployment to the rear of the Isonzo Front in St.Kpf [unidentified]
24.10.17 – 27.10.17 Breakthrough to the Julian Alps [Slovenia/Italy]
28.10.17 – 03.11.17 Battle at Udine [Battle of Caporetto aka.12th Isonzo Battle]
04.11.17 – 11.11.17 Pursuit of Italian Army from Tagliamento to Piave
12.11.17 – 22.01.18 Mountain fighting in the Venetian Alps
29.01.18 – 09.04.18 Static fighting in Lorraine and Vosges
09.04.18 – 29.04.18 Battle at Armentières (France) and at Kemmel Berg/Hill aka Kemmel Ridge (Belgium)
29.04.18 – 06.05.18 Static fighting in Flanders [Spring Offensive or Kaiserschlacht (Kaiser's Battle), aka The Ludendorff Offensive 21.03-18.07.18]
11.08.18 – 23.09.18 Fighting along the Somme River [Second Battle of the Somme 21.08 –2.09]
10.10.18 – 01.11.18 Withdrawal from Serbia [following the Armistice of Salonica 29.09 - Serbian Campaign and Macedonian Front]
16.04.19 – 03.05.19 Street-fighting near Dachau and capture of Augsburg and Munich
[Bavarian Soviet Republic or “Bayerische Räterepublik“]
01.09.39 – 01.09.39 Fighting at the Jablunka Pass [Jabłonków Pass] and Zwardoń –Saddle [Poland]
02.09.39 – 03.09.39 Breakthrough of the bunker group [five bunker cluster] at Węgierska Górka [Battle of Węgierska Górka]
04.09.39 - 12.09.39 Pursuing and fighting the Polish Army up to the San [River]
13.09.39 – 13.09.39 Battle at Krzywcza
14.09.39 – 15.09.39 Storming of Przemyśl [Battle or Defence of Prezemyśl 1939]
15.09.39 – 16.09.39 Pursuit fighting over the San River
17.09.39 – 18.09.39 Battles at Szklo [Shklo] Lelechowka [Lelekhivka] Janow [Ivaniv] Ukraine
20.09.39 – 21.09.39 Battles at Holosko and Brzuchowice [Ukraine]
10.05.40 – 17.05.40 Fighting in Holland und Belgium [Army Group - Heeresgruppe B]

Verification of Polish Campaign entries found at: under Heeresgruppe-Süd
[8 pg.73-74, 81-88, 92-96]

Wounded in the War [Verwundungen im Kriege]

21.05.16 Severe foot sprain I.L.R. Champagne
23.06.16 Three machine-gun bullets to left breast, left upper arm and left lung I.L.R. Fleury
K.D.B. [unknown meaning] Large shrapnel wounds to chest and back on left chest side, left upper arm & left foot
Concussion/compression of the chest and lungs
18.10.18 Large shrapnel wound to left forearm, remained with the 8th Company to recover
[9-Wehrpass transcript in “Mein Vater”]

7.) Structure,History and Configuration of Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leib- Regiment prior to WW1 and between the wars

A.) Structure from Army to Regimental Level

ARMY: 6. Armee (Deutsches Kaiserreich) – 6th Army of the Imperial German Reich known as the 6. Armee or Armeeoberkommando 6 (A.O.K.6) in World War 1 (1914-18)
CORPS: 1. Königlich Bayerisches Armee-Korps (1st Bavarian Corps)
DIVISION: 1.Königlich Bayerisches Division (1.Infanterie Division) 1st Bavarian Division
BRIGADE: 1. Königlich Bayerische Infanterie Brigade (1st Royal Bavarian Infantry Brigade)
REGIMENT: Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leib-Regiment aka “Leiber” and “Haus- or Garde-regiment” (Royal Bavarian Infantry Lifeguards Regiment) ... b-Regiment ... s_Regiment

B.) Regimental History and Configuration

The “Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Leib-Regiment” was disbanded with all other elements of the Bavarian Army at the end of WW1.
When the German Empire was formed in 1871, Bavaria became the new empire's second most powerful state after Prussia. The Wittelsbachs reigned as Kings of Bavaria until 1918. On 12.Nov.1918 Ludwig III issued the Anif declaration (German: Anifer Erklärung) at Anif Palace near Salzburg, Austria, in which he released his soldiers and officials from their oath of loyalty to him and ended the 738-year rule of the House of Wittelsbach in Bavaria.
The re-structured 19. (Bayerisches) Infanterie-Regiment was formed on 01.Jan.1921 by merging the Reichswehr-Schützen-Regimenter 41 und 42 as part of the Übergangsheeres (Transitional Army).
On 24.Aug.1921 the Infanterie Leibregiment “Tradition” was transferred to the 1st and 2nd Company of the Infantry Regiment 19 of the Reichswehr. ... IR19-R.htm
On 29.May 1922 the 19th Infantry Regiment was re-named the “Bayerisches” (Bavarian) - 19. Bayerisches Infanterie Regiment. In 1934 the regiment was incorporated into the 7. Bayerische Division (aka. Bayerische Reichswehr) in Munich. ... eichswehr)

In turn the 19.B.I.R.split into the Infanterie Regiment 19 based in Munich and the Infanterie Regiment 40 based in Augsburg.
1937 the I.R.19 was integrated into the Infanterie Regiment 61 (which had already been formed in 1935 by its former commander Generalmajor Franz Ritter von Epp)

8.) Post WW1 promotions and posting locations [previously posted on this thread with some minor additions]

24.12.1917 Leutnant mit RDA* vom 11.05.1915 (9) *RDA = Rangdienstalter (Rank Seniority)
01.02.1925 Oberleutnant (10)
01.06.1929 Hauptmann (5)
01.08.1935 Major (31) [11]
01.04.1938 Oberstleutnant (32)
21.01.1943 Oberst mit RDA* vom 01.05.1940 [6]

In Stellenbesetzung von: (~ Position/Posting)
01.04.1923 in der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München) [6]
01.04.1924 in der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1925 in der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1926 in der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1927 in der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1928 in der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1929 Chef der 3. / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1930 Chef der 3. / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1931 Chef der 3. / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1932 Chef der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.05.1933 Chef der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.04.1934 Chef der 4. (MG) / Infanterieregiment 19 (München)
01.10.1934 Lehrer an der Infanterieschule (Dresden)
15.10.1935 Lehrer an der Kriegsschule München
07.10.1936 Lehrer an der Kriegsschule München
12.10.1937 Kommandeur des II. / Infanterieregiment 62 (Landshut) [1] [11]
10.11.1938 Kommandeur des II. / Infanterieregiment 62 (Landshut)
03.01.1939 II. Bataillon Infanterie-Regiment 62 (Landshut) [6]
10.11.1939 Stab II. Bataillon Infanterie Regiment 62 [6]
10.01.1940 Abgang: zum Infanterie-Regiment 61 [1] [6]
17.05.1940 Regimentsstab Infanterie Regiment 61 Unterstellung: 7. Infanterie Division [6]
[6 - Deutsche Dientsstelle letter of 22.12.16]

9.) List of awards, medals and promotions he received in World War 2

Slovakian Bravery Medal 1939 [Za Zasluhy – was issued on 08.May 1939 in Gold, then after 11.Sept.1939 in Bronze & Silver] There is evidence that Ludwig Streil received this award after invading Poland from Slovakia. ... l-slovakia

Bars (Clasps) to the Iron Cross 1st& 2nd Class [Spangen zum EK I & II] awarded for his bravery and leadership following the invasion of Poland in Sept. 1939. [11] [13]

Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross [Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes] 30.June 1941 awarded by Hitler on recommendation of Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch [9] - photocopy of Award document dated 30.06.1941 while Tagesbefehl (order of the day) of I.R.61 signed by Oberstleutnant Albert Ringler is dated 12.7.1941 – Commander of I.R.61 21.05.40 – 31.07.41] [The recommendation of Von Brauchitsch is mentioned in “Ritterkreuz nachträglich an einem tapferen Offizier verliehen” unidentifiable contemporary newspaper obituary #2 in private notes] and [6- Letter] [13- Newspaper clipping]'s_ ... Iron_Cross

He was posthumously promoted to Oberst [Colonel] on 22.Jan. 43 retroactive to 01.May 1940 [6]

10.) Structure of Wehrmacht Infantry Regiments 61 & 62 (I.R. 61 & 62)

Infantrie Regimente 61 & 62 were both part of the 7. Infantrie Division (Wehrmacht) fighting in Slovakia and Poland under Heeresgruppe-Süd until 10.Oct.1939 then under Heeresgruppe-B in Lower Rhine Region (Niederrhein), Belgium and Netherlands until 20.July 1940.
7. Infanterie Division (Wehrmacht): Active: 1.Oct. 1934 to April 1945

For further information of both regiments and the 7. Infantrie Division of the Wehrmacht as well as Heeresgruppe-Süd, see the links listed below: ... rld_War_II ... ieregiment ... Wehrmacht) ... IR61-R.htm ... IR62-R.htm

11. References

[1] “Deutsches Soldatenjahrbuch 1973” 21. Deutscher Soldatenkalender Damerau, Helmut (Hg.) Streil article by Hermann Steinberger, München, Schild Verlag 1973. (Oberst Ludwig Streil – Tapferkeitsoffizier im Kgl.Bayer.Inf.Leib-Regiment P.380-384)

[2] “Der Leiber“ Monatsschrift der ehemaligen Angehörigen des Inf. Leib-regiments in Bayern, 1921 - 1933 , Bayerischer Regiments Zeitungs Verlag Rosenheim Nummer 6 - Seite 3 (Issue #6 - pg.3) Article written as obituary

[3] Münchener Neuste Nachrichten clipping of 31.05.40 written by Leopold Weber Article written as obituary

[4] Bayerisches Armeemuseum Ingolstadt Personalbogen and copy of musical score by Georg Fürst to “Mein Feind”.Courtesy of Dr. Ernst Aichner (Direktor) at the Bayerisches Armeemuseum, Ingolstadt

[5] Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Abt.IV Kriegsarchiv (OP 61637) Personalbogen, Ordensverleihung (List of medals from WW1)

[6] Deutschen Dienststelle für die Benachrichtigung der nächsten Angehörigen von Gefallenen der ehemaligen deutschen Wehrmacht (WASt) Berlin (158 pages of documents and letter with extra information from Ms. Magyar Heise of 22.12.2016)

[7] Bayerns Goldenes Ehrenbuch. Bayerisches Kriegsarchiv, Verlag Joseph Hyronimus, München, 1928; Reprint bei PHV-Verlag, Offenbach 2000, ISBN 3-934743-15-3. ... u&page=194

[8] “Wir zogen gegen Polen” Kriegserinnerungswerk des VII. Armeekorps Franz Eher München 1940

[9] “Mein Vater” compiled by Georg Streil (son) consists of transcriptions of Wehrpass entries, photocopies of award and promotion documents, final report card from 1927, letters, articles written by Ludwig Streil and by others in books and newspapers, poems and his play script, personal accounts from his diaries and notes

[10] Münchener Stadtanzeiger 23.06.1940 commemorative article by Josef Magnus Wehner “Neuer Typus unseres Volksreiches”. Article written as obituary ... nus_Wehner

[11] Ordensblatt der Bayerischen Tapferkeitsmedaille commemorative article by Hugo Schmidt (President of the order) and Georg Aubele. Article written as obituary

[12] Das Königlich Bayerische Infanterie-Leibregiment im Weltkrieg 1914/18 by Joseph Ritter von Reiß, Maximilian Amand, Graf von Armansperg and others - Erinnerungsblätter (bayer. Anteil) 70 München, Schick, 1931

[13] Niedersächische Tageszeitung Hannover 11.07.1941 Announcement of posthumous awarding of Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross to Oberstleutnant Ludwig Streil as well as short biography. I have seen a number of different newspapers with either similar or identical text. All were published on the same day leading me to believe that the news was national and published in most large newspapers

[14] Schauplätze des Gebirgskriegs 1b Westliche Dolomiten by Prof. Walter Schaumann Ghedina & Tassotti Editor

Wedding of Ludwig Streil at St.Matthäuskirche, Munich.

Ludwig Streil during the Reichswehr years, 2nd from right.

Streil in Poland, from "Wir zogen gegen Polen".

Streil in Poland, from "Wir zogen gegen Polen".

Last known photograph from his last day alive.

Ludwig Streil's Ritterkreuz Award document.

Original uniform belong to Oberstleutnant Ludwig Streil. Notice the sewn in nametag from the tailor "Kuhn & Nupau München" with the date 8.January 1940. Streil was killed in battle on 17.May 1940. (only 5 months later)! Also, notice the missing metal mount on the shoulder strap which may have shown a "61" for "Infantrie Regiment 61". But it is hard to tell from the stitching remains left behind. He had been with the I.R. 61 only since Jan.1940, previously he had been attached to I.R. 62.

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