
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Ritterkreuz Action of Stefan Mlinar

Stefan Mlinar (13 December 1915 - 3 February 1983) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 24 June 1944 as Gefreiter and Funktruppführer in 5.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 13 / 4.Gebirgs-Division. Here follows a report by the Ia of the 4. Gebirgs-Division which describes why Stefan Mlinar would receive the Ritterkreuz:

“Heroic deed of a radio operator:

On the dark night of 03-04 March 1944 the Bolsheviks succeeded in penetrating the line held by the left wing of the 2. Kompanie of a Gebirgsjäger-Bataillon (located along the road Ryschanowka—Olchowez) in company strength. As a result of the knee deep mud and incessant rain the German MGs were completely silted up and could not fire. The Bolsheviks succeeded in penetrating through the German trenches near a heavy machine-gun squad that was tasked with protecting the gap between two Bataillone.

The commander of 2. Kompanie resolutely decided to launch a counterattack with parts of his Kompanie staff and the reserve squad. In the meantime Gefreiter Mlinar stayed behind as a radio troop leader at the command post, with the role of maintaining uninterrupted radio contact with the Bataillon. In the muddy trenches the counterattack group could only make slow progress. Suddenly shots rang out in the trenches behind the Kompanie command post.

With a clear understanding of the thorny situation, in this moment Mlinar acted no longer as a communication specialist, but like an experienced combat trooper. With unstoppable energy he rallied his radio operator and messenger and on his own initiative stormed into the trenches behind the command post with his 2 comrades, with machine-pistol, rifle and grenade in hand. Knee deep in the mud, he pushed forward in the twilight 50 meters towards the enemy who had made it here. After his first grenades detonated he sprang forth without hesitation in an incomparable defiance of death. Screaming “Hurra”, he killed 6 Bolsheviks in close combat with his MP and took 3 prisoners. Behind him his radio operator died a hero’s death while fighting in a hand grenade duel. Capitalizing on his success, Mlinar continued to storm forth alone through the waterlogged trenches with only 10 rounds in his magazine, again screaming “Hurra”. Through this fearless display of ferocity he put the totally surprised Bolshevik Kompanie to flight. The enemy left behind 4 light machine guns, 14 sub-machine guns and several rifles.

Gefreiter Mlinar thus prevented an imminent Bolshevik penetration at the seam between two Bataillone through his independent resolve, personal readiness for duty and fearless attitude.

For this deed Gefreiter Mlinar, hailing from Judendorf (Kreis Loeben, Steiermark), became the 23rd man of the 4. Gebirgs-Division to receive the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes.”

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