
Friday, November 11, 2022

Afrikakorps Generals as a POW in England

Captured German Senior Officers From the African Campaign Arrive at a Prisoner of War Camp in Britain, 10 June 1943. German senior officers are received by the Camp Commandant Major Topham and representatives of the War Office. The German officers include: General der Panzertruppe Gustav von Vaerst (Oberbefehlshaber 5. Panzerarmee), Generalleutnant Karl Bülowius (General der Pioniere, in der Stab Heeresgruppe "Afrika"), Generalleutnant Willibald Borowietz (Kommandeur 15. Panzer-Division), Generalmajor der Luftwaffe Georg Neuffer (Kommandeur 20. Flak-Division), Generalmajor Fritz Krause (Kommandeur 334. Infanterie-Division), Generalmajor der Luftwaffe Dipl.Ing. Gerhard Bassenge (Kommandant Festung Tunis), and Oberst i.G. August-Viktor von Quast (Chef des Generalstabes 5. Panzerarmee).

Source :,_10_June_1943_TR980.jpg

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