
Sunday, October 16, 2022

German Generals with Ante Pavelic

On 24-25 September 1942, Poglavnik (leader) of the Independent State of Croatia, Ante Pavelić, paid a visit to the 369th Infanterie Regiment (kroatisches) which was fighting around Stalingrad along with the German 6. Armee. On that occasion he gave many awards for his troops and also his German allies. regiment commander Oberst Viktor Pavičić was awarded the Order of Iron Trefoil with Oak branches 3rd Class, while high ranking officers of the Wehrmacht received medals of higher rank. This photo shows Generaloberst Maximilian Reichsfreiherr von Weichs (center, Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B) and General der Infanterie Georg von Sodenstern (right, Chef des Generalstabes Heeresgruppe Süd) with Pavelić at the exit door on September 25, 1942. Weichs and Sodenstern both decorated with Order of King Zvonimir's Crown with Star and Swords (Grosskreuz on sash).

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