
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Erwin Rommel's Visit to Pavia Division

The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Ernst Alexander Zwilling (Propaganda-Kompanie Luftwaffe 7) on 12 February 1942, and it shows Generaloberst Erwin Rommel (Oberbefehlshaber Panzerarmee "Afrika") with German and Italian officers, during his visit to the headquarters of Italian 17° Divisione Autotrasportabile "Pavia" (17th Motorised Division "Pavia") in El Agheila. In this occasion Rommel took the opportunity to talk to his Italian allies about the upcoming operational plans. This picture is also available in the book "Rommel's Italian Generals in North Africa" by Dr. Libro Di Zinno and Rudy D'Angelo, page 26. There the authors identify the individual as Generale di Brigata Michelangelo Nicolini, commander of the army artillery. He was in several pictures with Rommel. Unfortunately, Nicolini is one general the authors have noted in several other pictures as mis-identified. This greater focus on Nicolini could imply a better level of research, but that is only speculation. Most possible ID is Generale di Brigata Antonio Franceschini, commander of Pavia Division. On the photo it says Falzoni, it could have been a garbled version of Falconi and the officer Enzo Falconi. Only problem is that he was a colonel at the time and commander of the artillery regiment in the Ariete division. It is the only name and rank that comes close with the writing. For the German officers identification (apart from Rommel): fourth from right is Major Friedrich-Wilhelm von Mellenthin (Ic im Generalstab Panzerarmee "Afrika"). On his right is Oberleutnant Diekmann, Rommel's aide.

Source :
"Rommel's Italian Generals in North Africa 1941-1943" by Dr. Libro Di Zinno and Rudy D'Angelo,_Bei_El_Agheila,_Rommel_bei_italienischer_Division.jpg

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