
Friday, September 16, 2022

Heinz Guderian in Lengres France

General der Panzertruppe Heinz Guderian (Kommandierender General Panzergruppe Guderian) in Lengres, France, 15 June 1940. In the morning of that day, 1 Panzer Division - part of Guderian's divisions - forced the surrender of Langres fortress and took some 3,000 French prisoners. 1st Panzer Division was to continue to advance towards Besançon, 2nd Panzer Division towards Til-Châtel. XLI Army Corps would continue its advance southwards on the Marne's east bank. The entire Panzer Group would thus cover the left flank of XVI Army Corps of Erich Hoepner in its advance towards Dijon. 29th Infantry Division captured Pontailler-sur-Saône by nightfall.

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