
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Ritterkreuz Action of Rudolf Lippert

Rudolf Lippert (29 October 1900 - 1 April 1945) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 9 June 1944 as Oberst and Kommandeur Panzer-Regiment 31 / 5.Panzer-Division. On 12 April 1944 Oberst Lippert was subordinated to the LVI. Panzerkorps, and received the following mission:

“You are to fix and destroy the Russians Guards cavalry forces that have penetrated into the deep flank of the LVI. Panzerkorps along with the well-organized partisan forces in the area Sztun-Binduga-Kladniow (Bug) — Rude (Turja) —Turyczany area. You are to furthermore reestablish contact with Heeresgruppe Nordukraine.”

For this mission Lippert was given a Kampfgruppe consisting of the following elements: Stab Pz.Rgt. 31, 7./Pz.Rgt. 31, 2./Art.Rgt. 116, 2./Art.Rgt. 637 (Mörser), 3./StuG.Brig. 600, 53rd Hungarian infantry regiment and 26th Hungarian reconnaissance squadron.

Lippert split his Kampfgruppe into two groups and moved out. Already on 15 April 1944 the right Kampfgruppe was able to capture Binduga (on the Bug) and the left Kampfgruppe Wladynopol. This achievement was all the more remarkable due to the difficult terrain and destroyed infrastructure in the area.

On the next day Mosur was taken as well as Stawki (the latter with the Ski-Jäg.Brig. 1). Terrain difficulties and Soviet obstacles continued to hinder the Kampfgruppe on this day and the next, and much bitter fighting ensued. By the evening of 17 April 1944 a total of 350-400 Soviet dead were counted, while the German losses were 46 dead and 97 wounded on this day. An alarm Bataillon of the II./I.R. 698 and a reinforced Batterie of the Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 185 was attached to the Kampfgruppe on the following day.

On 20 April 1944 contact was established with the right neighbour, namely elements of the 214. Infanterie-Division, in Zablocie. With this the gap to the 4. Panzer-Armee (Heeresgruppe Nordukraine) was finally closed. Fighting continued until 24 April 1944 with cut-off Soviet partisans and cavalry, however without enough weapons they were unable to resist in the open for long.

By the time the Kampfgruppe was disbanded on 25 April 1944 it had captured or destroyed the following enemy men/materiel in the time period 12-24 April 1944:

466 prisoners
26 artillery pieces
12 anti-tank guns
16 anti-tank rifles
19 mortars
69 MGs
17 machine-pistols
54 rifles
202 horse-drawn wagons
Several hundred horses
Large quantities of ammunition
A field hospital.

Oberst Lippert would subsequently receive the Ritterkreuz for this important operational achievement.

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