
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Oldwig von Natzmer with Entfernungsmesser

General der Infanterie Rudolf Schmundt (second from left, Chefadjutant des Heeres beim Führer und Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht) and Oberst im Generalstab Oldwig von Natzmer (second from right, Ia Erster Generalstabsoffizier Panzergrenadier-Divisionland "Großdeutschland") near the German air defense installation in the Eastern Front, June 1944. The installation was named Entfernungsmesser (range finder) of the type Kdo.​Ger.40 (Kommandogerät 40), and was commonly used by anti-aircraft units using the heavy Flak 18 or Flak 40. The apparatus is used to determine the position of the enemy aircraft as well as calculate its distance from the ground. It takes at least five crew to operate this rangefinder, while its weight of almost 1 ton - 915 kg to be exact - makes its scope of use limited only as a means of self-defense and not attack support. Even so, the super quality lens it uses and the well-tested accuracy of its target locking make the Kommandogerät 40 the mainstay of the Wehrmacht's gun fire controllers. This photo was made by Kriegsberichter Gottert, and was first published in the "Berliner Verlag" in June 1944.

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