
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Three Officers of IV. Fliegerkorps

The officers of IV. Fliegerkorps involved in a serious discussion. From left to right: General der Flieger Curt Pflugbeil (Kommandierender General IV. Fliegerkorps), Hauptmann Wilhelm Knapp (Stabsoffizier IV. Fliegerkorps), and Oberstleutnant i.G. Thorsten Christ (Chef des Generalstabes IV. Fliegerkorps). These three officers were all Ritterkreuzträger (Ritterkreuz medal recipient): Pflugbeil received it on October 5, 1941, Knapp on November 2, 1940, and Christ on October 2, 1942. This photo itself was taken in the summer of 1942 when IV. Fliegerkorps still operated in the southern region of the Eastern Front. At that time there were four Luftwaffe air wings under the command of the corps: Kampfgeschwader 27, Kampfgeschwader 4, Jagdgeschwader 77, and Lehrgeschwader 2.

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