
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Rommel Awarded the German Medal for His Italian Allies

On 9 February 1942, Generaloberst Erwin Rommel (left, Oberbefehlshaber Panzerarmee "Afrika") awarded the Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse to two of his allied Italian generals, Generale di Corpo d'Armata Gastone Gambara (center, Italian XIX Corps Commander) and Generale d'Armata Ettore Bastico (right, Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Army in North Africa). Latter, Bastico would also receive a higher-ranking German medal - Deutsches Kreuz in Gold - on 5 December 1942. Behind Rommel is stood Generale di Brigata Giorgio Calvi di Bergolo (Chief of Staff of the Italian liaison officer with Panzerarmee "Afrika"). Photo by Kriegsberichter Ernst Alexander Zwilling.

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