
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Award Ceremony for Armin Pfaffendorf

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for Oberleutnant Armin Pfaffendorf (Flugzeugführer in 1.(H) Staffel / Aufklärungsgruppe 13), which were held on 22 May 1942 in the Eastern Front. Interestingly enough, the one who gave the medal is a Heer officer and not from Luftwaffe! He is Generalleutnant Otto von Knobelsdorff (mit der Führung beauftragt X. Armeekorps). It is because Pfaffendorff's unit flew recon missions for the X. Armeekorps / Heeresgruppe Nord. The airfield is Szoltzy near Ilmen Lake, Novgorod. Note the recon plane in the background and the Heer officers around!

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