
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Otto Bösel

Otto Bösel (12 July 1913 - 5 November 1975) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 11 June 1944 as Wachtmeister and Geschützführer in 1.Batterie / I.Abteilung / Flak-Regiment 43 / 6.Flak-Division. The medal was awarded for distinguishing himself in the North Africa campaign, as detailed by the following excerpt from the ‘Wittenberger Tageblatt’ (dated 3 August 1944): “Wachtmeister Bösel has distinguished himself on all fronts in an exemplary way. During all his battles he demonstrated great readiness for duty, bravery and outstanding leadership abilities. He proved to be particularly successful in engaging enemy tanks and often brought about achievements of battle-deciding importance.”

Source :
Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-497-3505-25

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