
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Joachim Schepke Speaks to the Youths at Sportpalast

From left to right: Oberbereichsleiter and SS-Standartenführer Heinrich Hansen (Reichssachgebietsleiter für "wehrgeistige Erziehung" im NSLB und war Verbindungsoffizier des Hauptamtes für Erzieher zum Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), Charakter als Konteradmiral Reinhold Gadow (Direktor der Bibliothek im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), Kapitänleutnant Joachim Schepke (Kommandant U-100), and Generalmajor Johannes Frießner (Inspekteur des Erziehungs- und Bildungswesens). The picture was taken on 6 February 1941 in Sportpalast Berlin during the speech of Kapitänleutnant Schepke to the German youths. Only 6 weeks after this picture was taken, Schepke died when U-100 was sunk at 0318hrs on 17 March 1941 Southeast of Iceland in approximate position 61N, 12W, after being rammed and depth charged by the British destroyers HMS Walker and HMS Vanoc (Niestlé, 1998). Vanoc located U-100 with her early radar in heavy fog and chased the contact. Schepke is said to have been caught on the bridge when the boat was rammed. Six men survived and 38 were lost.

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