
Sunday, September 12, 2021

Willrich Postcard of Waldemar Gerlach and Leopold Matthess

This is a scan of a nice original period Willrich postcard 'Oberleutnant Gerlach und Mattheß erkämpften mit der Pak den Vormarsch nach Andalsnes' (First Lieutenant Gerlach and Mattheß fought with the anti-tank gun for the advance to Andalsnes) from the series 'Norwegen Kämpfer' (Norway Fighters). The postcard is showing the drawing of the two Ritterkreuzträger who received their medal on 9 May 1940 for their achievement in the Norwegian campaign, from left to right: Oberleutnant Waldemar Gerlach (Chef 2. schwere Kompanie / MG-Bataillon 13) and Oberleutnant Leopold Matthess (Chef 4. schwere Kompanie / MG-Bataillon 13). The drawing is made by famous German war artist Wolfgang Willrich. This propaganda postcard was published by the 'Verlag: Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland' in Berlin W 30.

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