
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Welcoming Ceremony for U-Boat Ace Heinz-Otto Schultze

Kapitänleutnant Heinz-Otto Schultze (left, Kommandant U-432) in conversation with a Kriegsmarine officer, in a welcoming ceremony after a successful patrol. In the middle is Korvettenkapitän Richard Zapp (Kommandeur 3. Unterseebootsflottille). The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Sämisch at La Pallice, France, 2 July 1942. Schultze received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes a couple of days later (9 July 1942), after he sank 18 ships in the period of September 1941 - June 1942.

Source :
Bundesarchiv Bild 101II-MW-4477-27A

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