
Friday, September 24, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Ernst Alex

Ernst Alex (1 March 1915 - 25 October 1965) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 1 August 1941 as Oberwachtmeister and Zugführer in 1.Kompanie / Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 243 / XXXXIX.Gebirgskorps. The following newspaper article describes why Alex received the Ritterkreuz: “Oberwachtmeister Ernst Alex… was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 1 August 1941. Oberwachtmeister Alex destroyed a total of 10 enemy tanks with his Sturmgeschütz during the tank battle at Jaworow on 26 June 1941 and during a nocturnal attack on the night of the 27-28 June 1941. These swift and determined actions established the appropriate conditions for a rapid advance on Lemberg by his Division [1. Gebirgs-Division]. During this continued forward advance he encountered a Soviet armoured train at the Kopysynac railway station. He opened fire on it from very close range and successfully destroyed its heavy 15-cm gun. Pursuing the enemy closely, his greatest achievement came on 23 July 1941. Fighting at the head of his Division, he secured the crossing over the Bug river at Brazlaf on this day. In the process he became badly wounded.” Alex was awarded the Ritterkreuz for these achievements as well as for reaching a personal total of 27 tanks destroyed.

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