
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Bio of General der Artillerie Maximilian de Angelis

General der Artillerie Maximilian de Angelis
Born: 02 Oct 1889 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 06 Dec 1974 in Graz, Austria

Leutnant (18 Aug 1910); Oberleutnant (01 Aug 1914); Hauptmann (01 May 1917); Major (Titel) (01 Jan 1921); Stabs-Hauptmann (01 Mar 1923); Major (01 Nov 1926); Oberstleutnant (15 Jan 1929); Oberst (28 Jun 1933); Generalmajor (15 Mar 1938); Generalleutnant (01 Aug 1940); General der Artillerie (01 Mar 1942)

Entered the Austrian Army (18 Aug 1910)
Leutnant in the 42nd Field-Cannon-Regiment (18 Aug 1910-07 Sep 1914)
Battery-Commander in the 42nd Field-Cannon-Regiment (07 Sep 1914-01 Jul 1915)
With the Staff of Kaiserjäger-Division (01 Jul 1915-09 Oct 1915)
General-Staff-Officer in the 2nd Kaiserjäger-Brigade, temporarily also Commander of the 1st Kaiserjäger-Brigade and of 88th Infantry-Brigade (09 Oct 1916-03 Nov 1918)
In Italian Captivity (03 Nov 1918-12 Oct 1919)
Adjutant of the Liquidation-Command for the Replacement-Batteries of the 3rd Field-Artillery-Regiment (13 Oct 1919-07 Sep 1920)
Transferred to the Mortar-Battery of the 4th Brigade-Artillery-Battalion (07 Sep 1920-01 Jan 1926)
In the General-Staff of 3rd Brigade-Command, St. Pölten (01 Jan 1926-10 Sep 1927)
Assigned to Army School Enns (10 Sep 1927-01 Nov 1927)
Tactics-Instructor at the Army School Enns (01 Nov 1927-01 Sep 1930)
Temporary-Commandant of the Army School Enns (01 Sep 1930-01 Feb 1934)
Assigned Officer with the Staff of 1st Brigade-Command (01 Feb 1934-01 Sep 1934)
Advisor in Department 1, from 01 Jun 1935: Operations-Department in the Federal Ministry for State Defence (01 Sep 1934-01 Aug 1935)
Deputy Commandant and Instructor for War Operations of the Higher Officer Courses, Vienna (01 Aug 1935-12 Mar 1938)
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for State Defence Vienna (12 Mar 1938-15 Mar 1938)
Transferred into the German Army (15 Mar 1938)
Officer with Special Duties of OKH (15 Mar 1938-01 Jul 1938)
Detached to the Staff of the 30th Infantry-Regiment (01 Jul 1938-05 Aug 1938)
Transferred to the Officers for Special Use of the C-in-C Army - various officers - Regulated Service of the Inspector of Artillery (05 Aug 1938-10 Nov 1938)
Artillery Commander XV (10 Nov 1938-01 Sep 1939)
Commander of the 76th Infantry-Division (01 Sep 1939-26 Jan 1942)
Delegated with the Leadership of the XXXXIV. Army-Corps (26 Jan 1942-01 Mar 1942)
Commanding General of the XXXXIV. Army-Corps (01 Mar 1942-22 Nov 1943)
Delegated with the Temporary Leadership of the 6th Army (22 Nov 1943-19 Dec 1943)
Commanding General of the XXXXIV. Army-Corps (19 Dec 1943-08 Apr 1944)
Delegated with the Temporary Leadership of the 6th Army (08 Apr 1944-17 Jul 1944)
Delegated with the Temporary Leadership of the 2nd Panzer-Army (18 Jul 1944-01 Sep 1944)
Commander-in-Chief of the 2nd Panzer-Army (01 Sep 1944-09 May 1945)
In US Captivity (09 May 1945-04 Apr 1946)
Turned over to Yugoslavian Captivity (04 Apr 1946-12 Oct 1948)
Sentenced to 20 Years Imprisonment by a Yugoslavian Court (12 Oct 1948-05 Mar 1949)
Turned over to Soviet Captivity (05 Mar 1949-28 Feb 1952)
Sentenced twice to 25 Years Imprisonment (28 Feb 1952-11 Oct 1955)
Released (11 Oct 1955)

Decorations & Awards:
- Ritterkreuz (859): am 09.02.1942 als Generalleutnant und Kommandeur der 76. Infanterie-Division
- Eichenlaub (323): am 12.11.1943 als General der Artillerie und Kommandierender General des XLIV. Armee-Korps
- 1939 EK I: 01.06.1940
- 1939 EK II: 13.05.1940
- k.u.k. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration und Schwertern
- k.u.k. Österr. Bronzene Militär-Verdienst-Medaille (“Signum Laudis”) am Bande des Militär-Verdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern
- k.u.k. Österr. Silberne Militär-Verdienst-Medaille (“Signum Laudis”) am Bande des Militär-Verdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern
- k.u.k. Österr. Karl-Truppenkreuz
- k.u.k. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration und Schwertern (zum 2. ten Mal)
- Österr. Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Medaille mit Schwertern
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Kgl. Rumän. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III. Klasse: 19.09.1941
- Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”

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