
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Hans Sturm

Hans Sturm (29 July 1920 - 11 December 2004) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 26 September 1942 as Gefreiter and Melder in 6.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 473 / 253.Infanterie-Division. Hans Sturm was Kompanie runner in Infanterie-Regiment 473 (of the 253. Infanterie-Division). During a Soviet attack near Rzhev, Sturm was ordered to assess the situation. As he was heading for a German machine gun position, a Soviet grenade knocked out the machine gun position. Sturm jumped in and resumed firing the machine gun at the advancing Soviets. A Soviet tank round landed nearby, wounding him severely. Despite his wounds he resumed firing the machine gun and throwing grenades until a relief force drove off the remaining attackers. It was later determined that his actions saved the Regiment from being encircled.

Source :
"Hans Sturm: A Soldier's Odyssey on the Eastern Front" by Gordon Williamson

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