
Friday, August 6, 2021

Goebbels with the "Heroes of Sevastopol"

At lunchtime on Monday, 17 August 1942, Reichsminister Dr. Joseph Goebbels received the delegation of "Sewastopol-Stürmer" (Attacker of Sevastopol) in Berlin, led by the Eichenlaubträger Generalmajor Ludwig Wolff (Kommandeur 22. Infanterie-Division) . In this picture, Goebbels is seen speaking with the members of the Wehrmacht who fought in the victorious Battle of Sevastopol (30 October 1941 - 4 July 1942). The Ritterkreuzträger second from right is Oberleutnant der Reserve Georg Müller (Chef 2.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 321 / 197.Infanterie-Division. Ritterkreuz on 9 August 1942), while other Ritterkreuzträger in the center is Major der Reserve Rudolf Richter (Führer Infanterie-Regiment 97 / 46.Infanterie-Division. Ritterkreuz on 7 August 1942), followed by Generaloberst Friedrich Fromm (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) fifth from left. General Wolff himself is the one at far left.

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