
Saturday, June 12, 2021

Adolf Galland in Front of Brandenburg Gate

26 September 1940: Major Adolf Galland (Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 26 "Schlageter") posing in front of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, two days after being awarded the Eichenlaub for his Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes (24 September 1940). Galland became the third member of the Wehrmacht to receive the Eichenlaub for achieving his 39th and 40th aerial victories. On 25 September, he was summoned to Berlin to receive the award from Adolf Hitler. Galland was granted a personal audience with Hitler and during the meeting Galland reported to Hitler that the British had proven tough opponents, and that there were signs of declining morale in the German fighter force in the absence of operational success. Hitler expressed his regret for the war with the "Anglo-Saxons", who he admired, but resolved to fight until total destruction.

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