
Friday, May 14, 2021

Werner Mölders and Officers of III./JG 53

Officers of III.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 53 (JG 53) "Pik-As" come together for a group photograph in the early spring of 1940. They are, front row, from left to right, Leutnant Josef Volk (9. Staffel, two victories, PoW from 11 November 1940), Oberleutnant Heinz Wittenberg (Stabsoffizier, two victories, survived), Hauptmann Werner Mölders (Gruppenkommandeur), Leutnant Walter Radlick (Stabsoffizier, four victories, killed on 2 October 1940), and Leutnant Georg Claus (Stabsoffizier, 18 victories, killed on 11 November 1940). Middle row, from left to right, Oberleutnant Otto Boenigk (9. Staffelkapitän, one victory, survived), Dr Söstmann, Oberleutnant Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke (7. Staffelkapitän, 162 victories, killed on 23 March 1944), Leutnant Hans Riegel (7. Staffel, one victory, killed on 6 September 1940), Leutnant Jakob Stoll (8. Staffel, 13 victories, killed on 17 October 1940), and Leutnant Horst von Wegemann (9. Staffel, one victory, killed on 10 March 1941). Rear row, from left to right, Leutnant Ernst Panthen, (8. Staffel, three victories, survived), Leutnant Heinz Kunert (8. Staffel, nine victories, killed 8 September 1940), Stabzahlmeister Ehrhardt, Leutnant Hans Fleitz (8. Staffel, three victories, killed on 3 June 1940), and Oberleutnant Hans von Hahn (8. Staffelkapitän, 34 victories, survived).

Source :
"Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik'As' Bf 109 Aces of 1940" by Chris Goss & Chris Davey

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