
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Ritterkreuz Actions of Walter Melzer

Walter Melzer (7 October 1894 – 23 June 1961) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 August 1941 as Oberst and Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 151 / 61.Infanterie-Division. On 22 July 1941, as the 61. Infanterie-Division began its attack on Poltsamas, and in the fighting which followed the Regiment led by Oberst Melzer found itself at the focal point of the battle. Despite having sustained heavy losses and ceaseless combat in the previous days, the Regiment nonetheless stormed the city with great courage. In addition the Regiment captured multiple river crossings undamaged, including the important concrete bridge running through Poltsamas itself. Largely on account of the actions of Melzer and his men, the city was firmly in German hands by 12:00 on that day. The capture of Poltsamas was of great importance for the continuation of the German operations in Estonia, and for his role in this battle Melzer would be decorated with the Ritterkreuz.

Melzer received the Eichenlaub #558 for his Ritterkreuz on 23 August 1944 as Generalleutnant and Kommandeur 252. Infanterie-Division. The medal was awarded for his actions while commanding the 252. Infanterie-Division during Operation Bagration. On 22 June 1944 the division defended against 8 rifle divisions and 2 tank brigades from the Soviet 43rd and 6th Guards Armies. On 24 June the Division was ordered to pull back behind the Daugava at Ulla, with a gap being formed on its right flank with the Korps-Abteilung D. The Soviets attacked relentlessly. On 27 June the Division held the line Poluoserje Lake - Ussweja Lake. The next day they reached the line north of the Woron Lake on both sides of Uschatschi. Here the connection to Korps-Abteilung D was restored. The Division retreated through Holubicze and reached Glembokie on 2 July 1944. Here the Soviets attempted to outflank the Division, but thanks to the brave German blocking positions and the skillful leadership of Generalleutnant Melzer this critical situation was resolved in the Germans’ favour and this maneuver failed. For his successes during this time Melzer was decorated with the Eichenlaub and named in the Wehrmachtbericht of 21 July 1944.


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