
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Rudolf Bittner

Rudolf Bittner (18 December 1921 - 21 January 1945) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 28 November 1942 as Gefreiter and Richtkanonier in 2.Kompanie / Panzerjäger-Abteilung 561. The medal was awarded for his actions on 9 September 1942. On this day the Soviets broke into the German frontline near Uwarowa, and Bittner would rise to the challenge in response to this dangerous situation. A detailed description of these actions is provided by an Abteilung special order from the start of December 1942: “… The Russians intended to turn this initial success into a breakthrough, and they carried on their attack with strong infantry forces while deploying 5 KV-1 tanks for flank protection. A German counterthrust collapsed under their fire. However the gunner of Unteroffizier Brill’s gun crew, Gefreiter Bittner, destroyed 4 of these tanks and damaged the fifth in such a way that it was forced to withdraw. This created the possibility of launching a counterthrust into the enemy’s now open flank. The breakthrough was prevented, and one of the more commanding positions for the entire sector was recaptured. The most noteworthy part of this battle-deciding deed was that Bittner had changed positions beforehand in order to have a better field of fire. As a Pak gunner he has by now destroyed a total of 23 enemy tanks.”

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