
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Ernst Stäudle

Ernst Stäudle (6 June 1913 - 11 July 1946) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 10 April 1942 as SS-Oberscharführer der Reserve and V.B.(Vorgeschobene Beobachter) of 8.Batterie / SS-Artillerie-Regiment "Totenkopf" / SS-Totenkopf-Division. He was awarded the medal for outstanding deeds during the night battles of 26-27 February 1942. Thanks to their overwhelming numbers, the Soviets came within 50 meters of the German positions in Schumilkino which were manned by just a few defenders. A German construction battalion, which had been sent in as a reinforcement, fled when attacked by the Russian soldier. In those dramatic conditions, despite a severe wound, Stäudle gathered the last survivors of the German garrison and, with only a 3.7cm-Pak 36 available, managed to keep the enemy at bay, at time firing close range. His actions prevented a Soviet breakthrough behind the German positions at Salutschje.

Stäudle's Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows: "SS-Oberscharführer Stäudle was in position on the night of 26th and 27th of February 1942, fighting near Schumilkino. He was a forward observer, watching the fire of his artillery battery against an enemy attack running from the west, with artillery and mortar support. In the course of the attack, the Soviets succeeded in approaching the village with 50 men. From our own forces there were only a few weak men to hold this area. These men pushed against the enemy as if fighting in Battalion strength and successfully put the Russians to flight. In this critical situation, and himself suffering from a heavy wound, Stäudle ordered the rest of the men to defend against this Russian attack, using their 3.7cm Flak firing at short range. Through the halting of this attack, the Russian plans were affected and they arrived piecemeal in Salutschje. I ask for the award of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes in recognition of his successful and decisive actions."

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