
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Arnulf Abele

Arnulf Abele (8 November 1914 - 2 July 2000) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 22 February 1944 as Hauptmann and Kommandeur I.Bataillon / Reichsgrenadier-Regiment "Hoch und Deutschmeister" / Reichsgrenadier-Division "Hoch und Deutschmeister". Hauptmann Abele was a Bataillon commander in the 44. Grenadier-Division “Hoch und Deutschmeister” during its battles in Italy in early 1944. On 27 January 1944 the Bataillon was ordered to close a gap in the German lines near Belmonte (specifically between the Colle Abate and Monte Castellone, in the Terelle Valley) and thereby protect the vital supply line known as the “Neumann-Weg”. The Bataillon’s promised support did not arrive, and so Abele and his men were alone in this fight. In the fighting which ensued they defended against Allied troops from Morocco. The fighting degenerated into close combat, wherein the men of Abele’s Bataillon were reduced to throwing stones when their grenades ran out. Nevertheless, with the help of mountain gun that prevented timely reinforcement of the French attack, the Bataillon was able to prevent an entire French regiment from capturing the Colle Abate. By the time they were relieved by the Panzergrenadier-Regiment 200 (90. Panzergrenadier-Division), Abele’s Bataillon was down to 36 men. Yet the achievements of this unit did not go unnoticed, and Abele would receive the Ritterkreuz as well as a promotion to Major.

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