
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hostages Case (or Southeast Case): Sentencing of German Generals Active in Southeastern Europe

(Münich 676) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings - Hostages Trial #7, Nürnberg, Germany, February 1948. Sentencing Southeast Generals. HAS, tribunal as Judge Charles F. Wennerstrum announces that sentencing will now be imposed. First two generals - Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm List and General der Pioniere Walter Kuntze - are given lifetime imprisonment. Former Generals - Generaloberst Lothar Rendulic, General der Infanterie Ernst Dehner, General der Flieger Wilhelm Speidel (Luftwaffe), General der Infanterie Ernst von Leyser, General der Flieger Hellmuth Felmy (Luftwaffe), and General der Gebirgstruppe Hubert Lanz are identified by name and sentenced; General der Infanterie Hermann Foertsch and Generalmajor der Reserve Curt Ritter von Geitner are freed.

This case is also known as the "Southeast Case" because the defendants were all German generals leading troops in southeastern Europe during the Balkans Campaign, i.e. in Greece, Albania, and Yugoslavia (and also in Norway). They were charged as responsible for taking civilians hostage and shooting them, along with partisans the German troops committed there from 1941 on, wantonly.

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