
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Erwin Rommel Checking His Damaged Car

General der Panzertruppe Erwin Rommel (Befehlshaber Panzergruppe "Afrika") paying serious attention as his men examined the damage to his car's engines and windshields, shortly after a British fighter plane attacked the vehicle convoy carrying the German commander in North Africa. Rommel is wearing a scarf made by his beloved daughter, which he always wore at every opportunity. The bearded guy in the center is Sonderführer Fritz Moosmüller from PK (Propaganda-Kompanie) "Afrika", a war correspondent and translator who was always seen accompanying Rommel wherever he goes. Moosmüller himself was injured in the hand, and is awaiting first aid for his wound. In addition, the officer at left is Major im Generalstab Friedrich-Wilhelm von Mellenthin (Ic Dritter Generalstabsoffizier Panzergruppe "Afrika"), a highly capable staff officer who after the war made a book about his experiences. This photo itself was taken during Operation Crusader (18 November - 30 December 1941), a military operation launched by the British Eighth Army against the combined German and Italian forces in the Western Desert of Egypt and Libya.

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