
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Josef Fischer


Josef Fischer (27 September 1909 - 3 April 1987) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 6 August 1943 as Major and Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Grenadier-Regiment 507 / 292.Infanterie-Division. Fischer’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows:

“During the attack on 9 July 1943 the II. Bataillon under the command of Major Fischer was deployed as the left-wing Bataillon of the Regiment. It’s attack objective on this day was Hill 239.8, located 2 km east of Ponyri.

The attack had to be prosecuted under heavy enemy infantry and artillery fire. Due to this strong defense the neighbouring Bataillon could not proceed forwards at the same pace. Thus II. Bataillon very quickly began taking more and more fire, especially from the left flank. In this situation Major Fischer made the independent decision to assemble a small number of hastily assembled soldiers and use them to storm the heavily fortified Hill 239.8.

The defense fire of several MGs and AT rifles from the toughly defended strongpoint as well as the heavy flanking fire resulted in all the German soldiers becoming casualties except for an Unteroffizier. Major Fischer broke into the enemy trench system with this last survivor and eliminated its garrison of at least 30 men in bitter close combat with hand grenades and machine pistols. In the process 6 MGs, 1 AT rifle and a large number of machine-pistols were destroyed or captured. It was solely on account of this action, brought about by the Bataillon commander’s independent decision as well as his outstanding bravery, that the Bataillon succeeded in reaching its attack objective far ahead of the neighbour.

The control of this hill position would be of great importance for the future fighting along the entire Korps’ front. It would greatly aid our forces during the defense against determined Russian counterattacks against both Ponyri as well as the left neighbouring Regiment (which belonged to the neighbouring Division).”

Source :
Schuddie photo collection

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