
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Franz Pfeiffer

Franz Pfeiffer (23 October 1907 - 20 November 1994) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 13 June 1941 as Hauptmann and Chef 15.Kompanie / III.Bataillon / Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 100 / 5.Gebirgs-Division. The following wartime excerpt describes why Pfeiffer received the Ritterkreuz: “During the attack on the heavily fortified Greek strongpoints along the Rupel Pass position, which included strong bunkers and underground facilities, Hauptmann Pfeiffer participated as a leader of the bunker overwatch units. He undauntedly brought his weapons into effective firing range of the enemy MGs and did a splendid job of directing the fire of his units onto those bunkers that could not be effectively engaged by the artillery, thereby silencing them. As a result of this support the 11. Kompanie was able to blow up a bunker, and occupy the other 10 from the outside. With this the key position blocking the way to the main enemy redoubt at Arpaluki was in our hands, and the possibility of capturing this most intractable enemy facility was created.”

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